I Feel For You
Read Count : 170
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Being in love is an amazing feeling. Like me I am a 11 year old girl and yet I have been in love before. But I couldn't be in love anymore with that person because of my step father. Being in love is something no one could ever imagine. Being with that person means that you would go out of your way just for them to be happy. Being happy with the person you love leaves warm feeling in your heart. But if your in a relationship with a person and you know their toxic why still stay in that relationship. People ask the same thing over and over again and then question tjemselvesabout their worth. The reason they are still in that relationship is because they love that person to where they could never leave them. If the person you love hurts and that pleases them you let them do it because to know that as long as their happy your happy. But just because you love that person doesn't mean you can't leave them. When someone goes through a break up their is always that one person saying these very,very important words. There are plenty more fish in the sea. Nowwhay does that mean? It means just because you love that person and y'all break up you can still love someone else that isn't toxic. And is also your type. Every woman or girl has a type and when you find that type that's when you know that you have found the right one for you. So please am begging and coming from a 11 year old girl please don't stay in a relationship that you know is toxic because you are scared you can't love someone else. Because you can just find the right one