All Characters In MK4: Armageddon Read Count : 158

Category : Lists

Sub Category : N/A
  1. Taven
  2. Daegon
  3. Raiden
  4. Liu Kang
  5. Kung Lao
  6. Kitana
  7. Jade
  8. Scorpion
  9. Sub-Zero
  10. Smoke
  11. Sonya Blade
  12. Johnny Cage
  13. Jax
  14. Nightwolf
  15. Cassie Cage
  16. Jacquie Briggs
  17. Hotaru
  18. Reiko
  19. Darrius
  20. Stryker
  21. Kabal
  22. Kenshi
  23. Bo Rai Cho
  24. Mavado
  25. Kobra
  26. Ashrah

  1. Blaze
  2. Shao Khan
  3. Shang Tsung
  4. Quan Chi
  5. Shinnok
  6. Sindell
  7. Mileena
  8. Reptile
  9. Baraka
  10. Kano
  11. Goro
  12. Kintaro
  13. Sheeva
  14. Cyrax
  15. Sektor
  16. Havik
  17. Motaro
  18. Noob
  19. Drahmin
  20. Ermac
  21. Rain
  22. Tremor
  23. Erron Black
  24. D'Vorah
  25. Geras
  26. Kollector


  • Ohhh sweet you got Scropion on here. It been years me playing mortal kombat, since the friat Mortal Kombaton Ps4 Xl came out. My favortie fighter still stayes the same Scropion. The fire hell demon Scropion (Throws a spear to his enemy) GET OVER HERE!! Aghhhh! The enemy comes here dangling wirh the spear throgh it's stomach. Screaming in agony💀

    May 25, 2020

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