I Think We Have A Ghost!
Read Count : 65
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Hi my name is amaya and i don't know if you believe in monsters and ghosts and spirits, but i do.When I was younger of course i did but i thought of the monster that would live under my bed or in my closet. I have two brothers and like always they never help clean...boys am I right. I had on head phones and was cleaning the boys were playing the PlayStation like normal. As I'm cleaning i lean over i feel a tap on the back i ignored it maybe my hair touched me. I start cleaning again I feel another tap on my shoulder.This was a pretty hard tap like if u tapped someone to get their attention so I turned around......their was no one their. I laughed i knew it was one of my brothers but i turned and looked down the hall and my heart dropped no one was their. I continued to walk up the hall to the living room my brothers were in a game and i didnt hear them run to the couch or see them. Mind you its a straight shot from the bathroom to the living room even flash can't run that fast. I ignored it but later on that week I was watching tv in the dark and sitting close to the screen how my mom said not to and suddenly my t.v goes black.I turn around and smiled my dad always cuts off my t.v and laughs and runs off but he wasn't their....And my t.v remote was on my bed where I left it exactly how I left it. So I looked over at the outlet and silly me it was unplugged so I looked at the t.v and the red dot was on. It turns on when you turn the tv off but it wasn't plugged in so where is it getting power from? At this moment I knew something was going on i told my mom my dad my brothers they all laughed. I told them I was serious. Sometimes stuff that has been sitting on a shelf will fall on the floor randomly.My little brother came up to me about a month ago with a surprised look on his face he couldn't even spit it out. But finally he said my books flew off my dresser he said all the way across the room. I just laughed at him he said no I'm serious i believed him but no one believed me what ever it is i dont think it's out to hurt us. I will admit it is creepy and i wonder what it was...