CtCh Up Cannon Read Count : 78

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
"CtCh up Cannon"

-aYo, No1 KnO mY LiFe
I grU Up hVn 2 FighT
So wen u direcTLy or indirecTLy diss mY wfe
Bc she diTch'd me, Bc she's w me or simpLy Bc she's whyTe
I wll do waT I wuz raized 2 do which iz FighT
U Nggaz MaY b skollas academically Bt u AinT so brighT
All da dmb azz ?s aXd gt me TighT
Frum mY bruTha aXn me 2 SnD PiX 2 c waT she look like (WtF)
2 mY neice aLwaYz aXn iF she's whiTe
Like her compLexion wll ChnGe. Like her sKin iz LiTe
FcK LocaL, I gt a WrLdLy pLaTForm so here's mY insighT
Az far az mY TunG, daT AinT smThn I wll biTe (FoH!!!)
There's a reaSon aLoTTa u dmb FcKs AinT geT an inViTe
Yaw imaGe conscious Bc Im viciousLy vioLenT ViVidLy unLike ChrisT
Im cLinicaLLy chaoTic Bt nOw daT Im esT, Im Sum1 yaw like?
Blah bLah dis...bLah bLah daT...eVrYdaY Sum1 nu gt a FcKn gripe
W/O a FcKn Pussy, deYre sTiLL a FcKn BtcH! DeYre so FcKn hYpe
UndasTnd me cLearLy...u DnT gTTa approVe oF dis union w CyC
Wen I CtCh -e- & eVrY LazT 1 oF u, yaw wll uniTe w my knfe
Since yaw LiTe DweLLaz DnT like da DrK, yaw Cn DiE n da LiTe!-



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