Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
Many times we put our eyes on the big things out there. But the fact remains that as determined as we are to make significant changes and do big things, we can only reach that height of big things until we fix some small items in place.
Life has a lot of experiences, and only if we gather the right experiences, we will not get the best out of what we do.
The constant thing about life is change. No matter what you do, you cannot avoid change. The more we resist change, the more miserable our life becomes. And to give heed to change, we should ensure we plan it and take it gradually as our routine can permit.
We can, however, not avoid the unexpected from happening, but what we can do is, set a sample of what we want for ourselves when the unexpected does happen.
This is where our power of choice comes in, using this power of choice allows us to change our life. And that is the fulcrum of what we are going to be talking about today—using your power of choice to craft out something beautiful for our lives.
1. Make your bed daily
A lot of interpretations can be made from our little actions daily. Making your bed and how you make it can be one of the ways to tell how organized you are.
Many may want to trivialize this act, but making your bed will set you to the next task and the next after that, and you will be bubbling with fulfillment by the end of the day. But it all begins from you doing what is right immediately you get up from the bed.
As soon as you make your bed (clean your bed), the next thing to do is clean yourself. Wash your mouth and have your bath.
Even if you are not going out or you don’t have an appointment to catch, having your bath daily in the morning goes a long way to increase your productivity. Take your time to clean yourself.
2. Read the news
This is another little thing that could affect you most positively or negatively possible. Follow the news and know what is happening around you.
As little as it is, listening to the news can keep you informed about the kinds of jobs that are available, the places you should not visit, and most importantly, you get information that gives you talking rights when around people.
3. Cut Posters in your room
Having a motivational poster in your room is very important; it improves your success rate. It can be the only force that makes you continue reading that book when you are about to stop. You can put up your resolution to finish a book every week on your doorpost.
No matter how trivial it looks but that motivational poster helps you to stay motivated and to get rid of procrastination.
4. Clear you To Do
To-do lists are usually written to guide you on what to do daily. If you have good things listed out, completing them daily will go a long way to improve every aspect of your life and can cause a drastic change. When you clear your to-do every day, it helps you assess yourself and decide your next move.
Hence you should ensure that your To-Do is cleared before you retire to bed daily. This way, you set yourself up for progress.
5. Exercise daily
The magic behind exercises comes when you are faithful to it. You tend to see its effect after being consistent for at least 21 days. Exercises will help reduce your stress level. Also, during exercise, your body will secret hormones that will help your body relax and prepare it for the day’s activities.
Exercising in the morning increases your chances of completing your To-do listings, thereby improving your productivity. No matter how busy you are, at least go for a 10 minutes walk.
6. Set your alarm 1 hour early
This trick is simple; if it has been difficult for you to get up at a particular time, then you should learn to set your alarm 1 hour before the time you want to wake up. This way, when the first alarm wakes you, you sleep back. Then the second alarm will have more effect, and then your sleep may not be profound.
Sleep can be refreshing sometimes that it can make you miss your appointment.
7. Volunteer
Find a cause you are passionate about and spend time volunteering. You can never experience true acts of kindness until you learn out to give your time and money for something you are passionate about with the expectation of nothing in return.
8. Grow a garden
Nurturing plants teaches patience. Not only will gardening give you something to do, but you’ll also be contributing to your environment. Imagine waking up, looking out your window, and seeing beautiful flowers and plants. You feel pride when you know that you are responsible for such a beautiful environment.9. Reply all your mails
Sometimes, our mailbox can tell how lazy we are, especially if you accumulate your mails without responding to them. Unimportant emails should not be left unattended to, open them, read them, and take the necessary action.
Ensure that you do not sleep without attending to all your mails, even if you can’t get the information being asked for immediately, you can fix that on your To-Do for the next day.
10. Drink a glass of water before and after sleep
Water is good and can be used when thirsty. But it can also be used as a therapy. Taking water before bedtime has a way of reducing your stress level, and when you wake up, it helps you improve metabolism.
It is free, in your reach and will cost you nothing to take a stroll to the refrigerator before and after sleep.
Small activities go a long way to how we handle big things. Hence we mustn’t lose the touch of these little things; the more we are perfect in them, the more productive we become.
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