Welcome To The Black Parade(APH) PART 1 Read Count : 152

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Science Fiction
Alfred's POV

Big brother Arthur and I are going into the city to see a marching band. On the way there, he asked me a random and weird question...

"Alfred... Son, when you grow up... will you please be the saviour of the Broken, the Beaten and the Damned?" I looked up at him. 

"I beg your pardon?"

"Would you defeat them; your demons and every single non-believer... along with all the plans that they've ever made?"


"One day I'll leave you a single phantom... to lead you, sometime in the summer..." Arthur wiped away some tears before continuing. His last five words chilled me to the bone.

"To join the Black Parade."


Alfred F.  Jones walked among the streets of dead persons.

"Help me... help me, please!! Anyone!!" A man called from a crushed building. Alfred caught the voice just as he was about to walk away. He ran over.

"Hello?" Alfred called into the ruble. 

"Help me... a-anybody..." The man called again. 

"Hold on, I'm coming!" Alfred called. He carefully walked among the ruble, being watchful and aware of where he stepped. 

Alfred knelt down and took a hand in his, but then realized a big hunk of ruble was resting over the body. He was easily able to remove that hunk, and the man was revealed.

Alfred took the man's hand in his and carefully helped the man up. When Alfred looked at the man's face...




  • thanks for reading and commenting on mine...i love it so far btw

    Jul 24, 2017

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