The Best And The Worst
Read Count : 209
Category : Poems
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As life’s blueprint evolves With challenges large and small We must face this one with resolve The worst above all. This scourges-the worst natural disaster In human history Has killed millions with more to die As it’s cure still remains a mystery Severe challenges have an effect on all people For they either peel away the the faced and our defense mechanisms or solidify around theming. What ever the direction it’s for our protection Either way we choose our character exposed. We stand naked and visible Revealing who we really are With witnesses observing from near and far In this world battle for survival We look to our great leaders arrival Be they heads of nations-elected and appointed officials Or the best minds the best in our health and science community Under the incredible pressure of this Pandemic they have worked to deal with solutions and strategies in their own specific domain Unfortunately the legislative community has often veered from their specialty Causing misinformation -confusion and avoidable deaths While the health and scientific experts have stayed their course dealing with this reality History will bear witness in perspective Explaining the events that occurred It will be a factual detective Without regard for self interests-distortion and finger pointing so prevalent in many of our nations leaders and appointed officials As we still struggle with this killing machine And our front line defenders of doctors- nurses hospital staffs EMT/Paramedics Risk their own lives to save those of their patients It is desperately hoped that that this disaster Will help forge the victory to defeat this abomination as we also grieve and mourn for the victims and their loved one Those despicable individuals who represent The worst will also be remembered.