Partisanship Personified Read Count : 198

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
First off, Trey Gowdy, SC-Rep is the poster child for the necessity of term limits. Secondly, he personifies the destructive power of blatant party partisanship. 

In yesterday's Congressional Intelligence hearing on Russian influence on our election, he was totally focused on how reporters learned of Mike Flynn's contact with Russian operatives. Not the obvious issue that there were on-going contacts between the Trump team and Putin's operatives.

As Gary Kasporav said, "the house is on fire, Trump is running around with a box of matches and they demand to know who called the fire department".

During the Benghazi hearings, he was the lead attack dog, drilling down for excruciating details from Hillary Clinton. What happened to his zeal to get to the details as thet relate to harm to our country? Oh yea, Trump is a Republican, so it looks like it's now a no harm, no foul call.

When will our Representatives stop playing politics and work to solve our problems? It is obvious they won't unless we force them to do it. We need to let them all know we are tired of all this gamesmanship & hypocrisy and demand that they self impose term limits on themselves. The current situation is out of control. Sad! 


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    excellent insight

    Mar 21, 2017

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