Bloody Marry Read Count : 345

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
"She was beautiful and innocent people didn't notice her she was a perfect target the whole team was ready ,I invited her over I'd knew she'd show up she had a crush on me, when she opened the door the look on her face instant terror we gave that nerd bitch what she wanted all twenty of us her screams were like music her  tears were pure ecstasy when it was over we dropped her body in the river. Two days later people started talking some of the other players   started going missing I thought nothing of it at first but that night I remember the pain and evil grin on her face as she hacked and slashed through my flesh she whispered seductively "don't cry now you little bitch the fun just started Bloody Mary loves you " that was the last thing I heard before it all went dark.
[Officer1:"Have you seen the bloody marry case file yet its a dozzy I'll tell ya all those kids being mutilated and left for show.  Ta make things worse the fucking sicko wrote the name of the dead girl from an old rape and murder case on the wall the shits fucking sick man , can't even let the girl rest in peace "

    Officer2: "Hey speaking of that case didn't the guys that raped her die the same way as the teens in the recent case, it's a little weird isn't 
 maybe I’m just a little shaken up from the latest  survivor of the recent attack ."
Latest survivor: "me and my friends read on the internet about this game you play if chant bloody marry 3 times in a dark room with 3 mirrors and 3 candles she would appear in the mirrors but they were wrong she doesn't appear in the mirrors , what happens is the three candles goes out then the mirrors shattered I started to feel a chilling breeze sweep through the room then, the sound of lustful laughter and bare feet beating the wood floor my hart began to race my legs went numb after fainting I remember waking up to the sound of screaming and the cries of my friends as they being slathered and there she was smiling as she ripped and mutilated them I tried to run away but she was to fast I still see her face when I close my eyes her hair was deep black and laced with blood with pale blood stained skin and dark pink eyes. 
Why she left me alive I don't know but I do know it ain't no fucking ghost story ."]


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