Category : Scripts
Sub Category : Tv
(The screen switches to Kanisha running through the paris)
(A guitar is playing)
(Kanisha painting on a canvas with her tail)
(Kanisha fighting a wrestler)
(Kanisha surrounded by animals in the woods)
(Kanisha is riding a dragon)
(Kanisha with fire coming out of her hand and hits the ground)
(Kanisha is on a top of a hill and smiles at the camera)
(The screen switches to Kanisha reading comics on a chair)
(The opening ends with the name 'Kimi ( C)' with crystals around it and by Kanisha, who is smiling)
(The episode opens with Kanisha reading a comic book with a bubble pipe in her mouth, when she sees Penelope opening the door and gets a brown box. Then Kanisha closes the door with telekinesis)
Penelope (looks at the box): It's for me, but how? I didn't tell anybody .
Kanisha: (takes the pipe out of her mouth) Your sister tracked you yesterday because she was worried, since you didn't call.
Penelope: Seriously, why didn't you stop her?
Kanisha (with glasses): Because she was going to go to your agency and report, then they would try to find you and be seen as an enemy; and you would be arrested.
Penelope: I guess that's true, should I visit her.
Kanisha: (blows bubbles in the pipe) Open the box first
(Penelope opens the box and sees a letter along with a big plushie of a dog)
Penelope: A dog.
Kanisha: What a terrible boss (takes the letter and throws it out of the door, the letter explodes)
Penelope: Why would you let me hold that?
Kanisha: You wouldn't have got hurt (takes a sip of tea) Anyway, we should visit your sister.
Penelope: But, what if
(Kanisha puts Penelope down, as a rocker comes through the window)
(The screen shows things moving slow, then makes the glass levitate, slices the rocket with one finger nail; runs outside, throws pieces of the rocket into the sky, grabs Penelope and puts her on her back)
Penelope (looking at Kanisha's mansion, that is undamaged): Your home security system fixed the damage and the FBI agency won't be able to access your mansion.
Kanisha: Of course, also thanks for modifying my house security system, I didn't really bother to handle that, I was kinda busy making my books and schedules.
Penelope: You take time writing.
Kanisha: Of course, racing is no fun, plus I get act like I'm an adult from the movies.
Penelope (thought): You are strange.
Kanisha: I am.
Penelope: So, what do you research about me, since I've been following you for at least a month.
Kanisha (strikes a bomb with her tail): Of course, but I didn't dig too deep, since that would be rude.
Penelope: We should probably leave, before more rockets come.
Kanisha: They won't (with red eyes) I melted them all
Penelope (not surprised) (just smiles): Of course you dix.
Penelope (thought) (looks at Kanisha): She really is a lethal weapon, yet she still smiles, like a regular person.
(Kanisha takes Penelope's hand and speeds to the city)
(The screen shows a woman who has brown straight hair, wearing a black dress sitting in the dark looking out the window)
Penelope's sister: I guess I shouldn't have sent that mail, it was foolish to keep my hopes up.
Kanisha (camera doesn't show her): That's a bad thing to say.
(Penelope's sister turns around to see Kanisha by Penelope. Penelope hugs her sister: Serena)
Serena: But, the bombs.
Kanisha (raises her hand with a smile): I handled it.
Serena: They were right, I led them to you (hugs Kanisha) I'm sorry.
Kanisha: I'm okay, the FBI sending bombs doesn't bother me, plus my house didn't explode, thanks to your sister.
Serena (looks at Penelope): You really going to quit your job.
Penelope (looking at Serena with a serious face): Serena, I've been watching this girl for a month, she means no harm to anybody, plus she invited me into her home and I bet she would let you stay.
Serena (worried): But, the boss said if you don't compliment this mission, we will be thrown in jail.
Kanisha: Not if I have anything to say or do about it.
Serena: You can't attack them, then you'll just be walking into a trap.
Kanisha: I never said I was going there in person.
(Kanisha opens a window, takes a paper mache ball out of her pocket, and throws it into the sky).
Kanisha: Now, shall me go.
Serena: But, what did you do?
Kanisha (smiles happily): You'll see
(Serena and Penelope look at each other with worry. Kanisha cuts open a portal in the middle of the dark room and throws Penelope and Serena in it, puts a force field around the house, then she jumps into the portal)
(The portal close)
(A black void is shown with Kanisha looking at the camera)
Kanisha: So, sorry for the rush job on this episode, but I promise, the next episode will be better, much better. Oh, well bye
(The episode ends with Kanisha walking away as she disappears)