Still Da Strees Read Count : 148

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
"sTiLL da sTreeTs"

-mY LyricaL abiLiTy
Iz like a prophecy FuLFiLLn me
Bc AmericaniX iz conceaLn me
I gt bLood n mY EyEz Bc oF watz reaL 2 me
Im amazed by da EmcEEs Bc oF da WaY deY wud spiLL da beans
SpeaKn watz reaL VrY raw iz iLL 2 me
CorporaTions took oVa Bt deY cudnT FeeL da sTreeTs
So da HiP HoP PiGz wuz form'd 2 driLL EmcEEs
DeY pLaYd da BcKground whiLe da Media wud reeL da BeeFs
DeY did wat Kansas Cty did & klld da ChieFs (mHm)
PuTTn fear n da ppl so deYll wnT PiGz 2 FiLL da sTreeTs
Orally kllz morally n-&-ouTTa watz conceaL'd n sheets
TiL ChrCh ppl saY "something took over me" aFTa deY kll their ft
NoW da U'th GrO up TriLL w TweeTs
Im 37 turn'n 38, YeT...Im "sTiLL da sTreeTs"-



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