Lets See... Read Count : 121

Category : Recipes

Sub Category : Snacks
Let's see if Jared rates...very first  book. He doesn't or she doesn't  comment on everyones. Why does it ask for age when all age is welcomed? Location? And First and Last name :)


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    you need to put in birthdate if you want access to adult writings. if you don't want to put first and last name, leave it blank it put an initial. put any location you want. hell, list mars if you feel like it. this writing deserves no rating

    Jul 25, 2017

  • Jared DeMoss

    Jared DeMoss

    I don't rate or comment on all writings. This app offers a place to enter that information but it is not required. You can use a fake name or initials and for all other fields you can leave them blank or use a fictional location. Birthday is only needed if you want to access the adult writings. It is optional and nobody can see it but you.

    Jul 25, 2017

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