My New Power. Chapter 1 Read Count : 295

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
It was a normal day so i thought. A day where i go to school, nothing exiting. And come home safely. Well that was the oppisite of what happend today. Long storie short i found out i had something special that i never new i had. So lets get right into it.

 It was a sunny day out birds chirping and a good day to be out but i didnt really enjoy it because my mom had moved to orlando and i had to leave my old school and freinds. Although im kinda used to it because my mom frequently moves around the state and i go school to school leaving behind what i had brought. Jack. Jack come on u dont wanna be late. Ok mom im almost ready. I stared at the mirror in my room as i was getting ready giving myself a pep talk on how today is gonna be different (and it sure was) "come one jack u got this today is the day you finally stay at this new school". Moving school to school frequently kinda messes with you  and sincee im only 15 its kinda scary  knowing the fun u have wont last. But at least in this school ill make some new freinds. After i got finished getting ready i started walking to school it felt really hot out but i wasnt really affected much. For some reason i can handle really hot and cold climates better than a lot of people. I never really knew why , its just the way i am. As i was walking into the school it looked a lot better than a lot of of schools iv seen while i have been moving. I walked into the schools office to meet soneone who was supposed to show me around the school. Bit when i walked in i saw a man standing waiting for me he seemed really welcoming when i approched him he told me, hi! Im Mr. Vasquez pleased to meet you yor the new student right. Yes sir im new and i was told i was going to get a tour. Ah yes the tour. As he said that he grabbed a mic and said David to the office pls David yo the office. When the so called David came in he welcomed me and asked the princible Mr. Vasquez what he need. Right away he answered, yes i need you to show Mr. Jack around the school. Yes sir david said looking like he was exitied. Come on jack lets go....

My New Power Chapter 2 
Coming soon
And if you havent showed me some support then pls do it will really help.
Thanks and see you then.


  • maitri doshi

    Maitri Doshi


    Mar 22, 2017

  • maitri doshi

    Maitri Doshi


    Mar 22, 2017

  • Juliette Castro

    Juliette Castro

    Best book ive read so far!!! keep going

    Apr 02, 2017

  • Gretchen Haigwood

    Gretchen Haigwood

    Great bok

    Apr 23, 2017

  • John L.

    John L.

    I'm hooked!

    May 05, 2017

  • A. P. Johnson

    A. P. Johnson

    good job. keep writing and keep working on your craft. you have so much potential for such a young person. Read up on punctuation and gramma and learn all you can to master your craft. Im working on these things myself. i take free online courses in english gramma and punctuation and writing so im advising you to keep working on those and keep writing.

    May 06, 2017

  • this is really intreasting im hooked👍👍👍😁

    Sep 06, 2017

  • Rebecca Leveille

    Rebecca Leveille

    This is freaking awesome! Keep it Christian!

    Dec 12, 2017

  • Mar 22, 2017

  • Mar 22, 2017

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