How Humanity Falls Pt. 1
Read Count : 160
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
The day humanity collapsed, the virus took out 80% of the world population, later 10% died in wars for supplies like food and water, only 10% was left. Some survivors were military and some were just citizens, but one survivor was the best. A guy named Johnny. One day he was going to find stuff but he found a survivor. As he was walking he thought the survivor was his brother, but he kept walking. Then he knew it was his brother Dr. Blue. He ran to Dr. Blue hoping he would he would recognize him, but then when the doctor turned around, Johnny saw he was a zombie. Then he went up to the zombie doctor and killed it while he was crying. He was in tears he wished his brother could have survived the virus but he didn't. Johnny planned a to bury his brother. Johnny brought the body to a graveyard to bury it. Johnny then noticed a zombie horde coming his way. So he ran for his life while running he stopped because he found a survivor walking into a hospital. So ran after the survivor then the survivor stopped and looked at Johnny. In fear the survivor slowly walked away but Johnny followed. Johnny asked the survivor his name and the survivor said Dr. David. Johnny got scared because the survivor was a doctor And ran. He noticed the zombie horde was breaking in so he ran back to the Doctor and told him a zombie horde was breaking in. The doctor said their is away to get out of here but you owe me something Johnny. What do you mean? said Johnny. Don't you remember me Johnny. No it can't be you. You are the guy that made me the territory trade. I got the pills here. Good we go to the roof in the helicopter and fly away. Ok Johnny said. Johnny and Dr . David flew away to a safe place. Once Johnny and the doctor got to a safe place, they landed on a roof top. Dr. David said he made something like cure but it makes it so you can't turn into a zombie but zombies can still bite. Then at that moment A GIANT ZOMBIE JUMPED ON THE ROOFTOP! He grabbed the helicopter and threw it across the city. The survivors were scared so scared they jumped of the roof the thought they would die but they landed in water. They were surprised there was a pool but they happy they didn't die. They ran to the sewer hoping the giant zombie didn't see them. Once they got to the sewer the found a area where homeless people used to stay. So they stayed there. Once it was night they went searching for food. They were starting to starve to death luckily the have water and the found a random MRE on the road next to the sewer entrance. They were happy but fearful. 2 days later Johnny and the doctor went to Washington DC to find guns. On the way they ran into a group of survivors. The survivors trusted them Johnny and the doctor and the group went to Washington DC as a team. When they got there there was alot of guns and dead bodies. They decided to make a camp there to survive at. At midnight a zombie horde took out most of the group only Johnny and the doctor and the one member of the group survived the member was Jayson.
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