Sisters Do Anything Read Count : 80

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Hi my names ellie I'll tell you about my story about how I learnt that I'd do any thing for my little sister hannah so let's begin.


It was hannah's graduation day an I had to pick up her annoying boyfriend Roddy(Rodric). I hate him he always boasts about how much he works out. "Hi Roddy."
"Hey sexy wanna know about my new workout circuit,."
As we got closer to her school I reliesed Roddy was pretty nervous about what he had said to me so I tapped his shoulder an said it was ok. Hannah looked beautiful in her silk robe an gorgeous hat she had her beautiful blonde hair resting upon her shoulders. I had never been as pretty as her I had mousey brown hair and always wore baggy jeans an jumpers. After the ceremony Hannah came over to me and Roddy."Hi guys ," she yelled in excitement 
"Oh Hannah you were great ."
"Aww thanks big sis now let's raid the food table honey bear."
"Ok cuddly monkey ," Roddy replied in a sickening voice ,but for some reson when they left I flet wierd almost like I had feelings for Roddy but it sounded to weird so I ignored it. When we got home Hannah took me to her room an told me somthing I did not want to hear . This is what she said,"So Ell me and Roddy have been trying for a baby a while now but we can't seem to have one-
"Stop there I interrupted in a terrified voice.
"Shhh let me speak so tomorrow we're going to the doctor to see what's wrong but the thing is that I'm scared and I want you to be there with me." 
I paused "OK ," I wispered but only because I love you nothing else. 


The next day, I took Hannah and Roddy to the hospital. I wasn't allowed in just in case of bad news so I sat outside. After about an hour I heard Hannah crying, I hoped it was happy tears and told myself news is not always bad and took a deep breath. Then the nurse called me in I knew that Hannah was putting on a brave face for a reson , but not a good one. "Hannah what's going on ."
"I can't have children ," she burst into tears and put her arms round me. Then I saw the nurses eyes light up.
"What," I asked 
"No its to weird."
"But I'd do anything for Hannah."
"Well I was thinking you could carry her baby but you would have to we'll do thing with Rodric."
I looked at Hannah she had a excited look in her eyes so I reluctantly said yes . That night, I could hardly sleep knowing that I was going to sleep withe my sister's boyfriend. My mum walked in and gave me a hug and said to remember it's all for Hannah and it's not like Roddy is younger than me because we are the same age and only a two years older than Hannah.

Time to do this thing

When I woke up I could not physically move I was so scared about what was going to happen but I got up and had a full English breakfast for being so caring I walked up stairs and said time to do this thing .

Why do I feel like this 

Two weeks later I did the test. My heart stopped. This couldn't be happening I thought. I gave Hannah and Roddy  the test they both started crying but this time it was happy tears. I knew this was it I was pregnant with Roddy's baby. I just stared at Roddy and I felt all warm like he and I were our own family  a tear ran down my cheek everything went in slow motion but why did I feel like this I didnt even love him.

Hormones are coming 

I woke up to me throwing up like my mouth was a waterfall. I felt angry upet scared. Hannah came in withe a tray of breakfast and I started crying and said in a dramatic tone"NO FOOD NO PUKE WAAAAA ." She just laughed .
"WHAT,"I was crying again 
"Hormones are coming," she giggled.
Eventually she convinced me to go downstairs and have a cup of tea. Later that day,me, Roddy and Hannah went to look at the house I had been wanting for ages. It was a newly built house with an outdoor pool and 3 rooms but there was one thing wrong,my budget was Β£8000 but this was 

Isn't it mine

One month after I had started to get my baby bump and we went for the scan that tells us the gender. We stepped into the room I felt so sick but it could've been morning sickness. In the room ,my heart was pounding and my hands were shaking I was so scare I grabbed Roddy's hand but when Hannah looked I pushed him off.
"So are you finding out the gender ."
"But Hannah I said I'm carrying it I choose not to find out." 
"Well it's mine and Roddy's." 
"Fine,"I said with tears in my eyes 
"Oh wait,"the nurse said it isn't Hannah's because it's your eggs we forgot to inject them into you.
"Isn't it mine,"Hannah cried with a tear running down her cheek

The big day is coming

It was the day of the party to reveal the gender I was so excited but Hannah was still realy upset.
"Hannah we're going to be late for the party."
"Well it's not my baby."
"Well you will be on the birth certificate."
At the party, there was only an hour till the gender was revealed. Half an hour. 5 minutes.  Now it's time. It's a girl and a boy. "Wait twins!"
That's why my bump is so big I thought as I watched Hannah laugh as Roddy fainted."The big day is coming," said mum.

Shopping is a nightmare

Twould months until there born I was saying to myself. We were on our way to the shops to buy the essential things we forgot.
"Go over the list honey bear," said Hannah
"Ok umm crib,nappies,dummies,formula,and clothes. "
"Guys I kinda wanted to breastfeethem ."
"But you won't be with us all the time will you big sis." I sighed and turned away . "I want this umm this umm this and this ohh and this ,"nagged Hannah
"Babe let Ellie choose something. " 
I chose a joint blue and pink crib with dinosaurs and fairys.
"No that's to ugly and fat ," once again nagged Hannah
"Whith Hannah shopping is a nightmare,"we all giggled.

5 minutes of pain a lifetime of happiness

I woke up that morning with swollen heels and a bad back. The sickness had disappearedby now and all I wanted to do was eat. I looked to my side and saw the door creek open as a tall handsome creature walked in I hoped it was luke (a boy I used to have a crush on) but I was more happy when I saw Roddy.
"Morning mommy to be."
"Oh Roddy no there yours and Hannah's baby's ."
"No we're letting you keep one you choose their name aswell."
"Ok well I'll have whover come out first."
"Ok beautiful."
"OH yeah bye."
When I jumped out of bed instantly I felt a small contraction but I was sure I was fine but on my way downstairs I had a really strong one so I shouted,"HANNAH,RODDY I THINK THERE COMING AHHHHHH YES THEY ARE DEFINITELY COMING!" 
Roddy git his sister to drive me to the hospital so I wasn't driving in labour. At the hospital the contractions were really strong I felt I couldnt do it anymore.
"Ok miss borang time to push."
"AHHHH I CAN'T I CAN'T I CAN'T ." My face was red and my stomach hurt but it was all for Hannah.
"Come on big sis listen 5 minutes of pain for a lifetime of happines."
So I pushed then I heard crying I could not see who it was but then I had to go again.
"AHHHHHHHH." and there she was Hannah's Daughter and my son I thought. Hannah looked at me I asked what was wrong she said"We can't separate them there twins."
"But I can't live with myself if I gave them both away."
"I know and I also know I don't love Roddy anymore." 
"He told me he has feelings for you."
" Oh but you wanted a baby so much."
"I can adopt."
"Hannah I love you so much."
"Well sister's will do any thing."



  • so wierd but fun and good πŸ‘…

    May 05, 2020

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