Do You Really Love Me?
Read Count : 117
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Do you really love me?no, come on answer do you really love me? Now before you just jump to the answer yes let me ask you these questions. Would you still love me if I wasn't worth anything if I had nothing to give no money no smarts no nothing? would you love me would you still love me if I didn't look the way that I do,would you love me if I couldn't talk to you if my words came out jumbled, if I stuttered would you love me if I can talk at all would you love me if you had to take care of me if something awful happened and I couldn't feed myself or I couldn't dress myself would you love me then would you love me if I couldn't remember or if I ask you the same question more than one time would you love me would you truly love me if you had to put your heart and soul into taking care of me into making me me again would you really love me would you love me if I did absolutely nothing if I just sat and stared out the window all day would you still love me love it's a serious question most times if you say do you love me people will automatically spit out the answer yes do you love me now that I've asked you these questions where have I stopped you and your tracks and made you think love is supposed to come from your heart the deepest part of your soul the part of you that makes you who you truly are that's what you should be loving not what people can do for you or the money they can spend on you but love them love to eternity love me when I'm no longer around love the fact that I was here with you and I shared so many special moments so that no matter how far I may go you'll know that my love was true it was real and always know that I will always and forever love you .