Ash, Chapter One.
Read Count : 87
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
"You have a child!" The doctor was more excited then the actual parents, "But now for the examination to begin." The doctor looked closely at the child, inspecting everything about her. She was done with her examination. "It's a fire girl!" she exclaimed. The parents were so happy, they had finally done it. They could now fight crime and evil more easily than before, when they were without a fire child. "Oh no," The doctor made and unsettling tone in the room."What is it doctor?" The doctor looked horrified at what she saw, "She's not going to live very long," Her voice broke off at the end, but it was very clear what she was trying to say. The newborn child, the special one, that could save the city from the imminent danger that was about to appear, was not going to live. "At least we can still give her a name, " the child's father said. "Alexandrian" the child's mother said instantly. "That's what it'll be then, I'll make it official." The doctor signed a sheets filled out with the name, Alexandrian Fir.
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