The Enchanted Forest (chap2) Read Count : 88

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
Chapter 2: the spirit shows herself

My friends camped for the night here all our parents think we are at out camping, I mean we are kinda,

Kilt tells ghost storys to scare us all before bed

He said that a ghost haunts this forest a ghost of a girl who died here buryed alive and left to die

The ones who buryed her? Some bully's
 She haunted the mean ones till death but couldn't move on and haunts whom enter her land, he says we are scratching the edge of it, that any closer and we'd be haunted for life, of course no one but Sila believes him since well she is kinda forced to since he's older then her,
They went to bed me and kilt stayed up for a bit, 

"What you scared of my story too?"
"Of course not Kiltion, "
"Wait too? Who scared of it?"
"... Me..."
I didn't expect him to say he was afraid!
"I am not brave Neyon..."
"I. Am. Terrified."
And I felt sorry for him... He's so scared he can't be alone right now...
"Ya know kilty"

I grabed his attention by calling him by his nickname given by his crush whom died from depression
"You have to have some guts.."
I paused for a breath
"To say that, to say how scared you are,
To your lest favorite person even"
Kiltion looked at me in shock
"You are kinda now my favorite person" he whispered
"I am glad we are friends though"

He went to bed and "thank you... Neyon"
I never heard those words before...

I stayed up a bit more
And looked around but then

The fog cleared up and I saw the sky and then someone appeared infront of me
"Your on my land" she said
His story was real!? OH MY GOD I SEE SPIRITS
they crowded me and I couldn't move
"You will now be marked"
And I screamed as loud as I can!


Note: I think this story is a bit longer then to last one!,
New charature! The spirit

What do you guys think will happen next?
Hope you enjoyedy story!


  • Good story

    Apr 11, 2020

  • wow

    Apr 30, 2020

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