Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Science Fiction
Dear Journal, I'm Steve Amadell, I'm the husband Rose and father of Mina and Kaima.
When I was young, I lived with my mom, dad, and two sisters along with my pet, Irish Setter. At a young age, I was very active and always happy, which makes it easy to meet new people.
As I grew up, I joined a spy organization with the help of my big sister, Kaimina, who was a scientist, I became her assistant until she decided to leave to take care of her own family, so I was on my own.
Zach watched over me closely, but I didn't disappoint him, I showed him the process of my inventions, when I got to my tenth experiment, I noticed Rose spying on me, we got into a battle.
In-between the battle, we realized we had a lot in common, that night I had my first kiss.
Long story short, we quit our agency, had children and you know the rest.
Right now, Rose, Mina, Lily, and I are waiting to hear an explanation from Kaima's friends
The story goes to three angry faces, which is Steve, Rose, and Mina.
"You mean to tell us, some goddess took my sister", said Mina.
"And our daughter", Rose interrupted.
"To magical school for two years and we have no way to get or contact her", Mina finished her sentence with anger in her voice and eyes.
"Yup", said Kina, calmly.
Mina's eyes were twitching with her fangs showing and her claws, looking like she was about to burst; but instead she took a deep breath and calmed down.
"You know what, I'm not going to do it, I'm going to remain because Kaima would want that", Mina decided, then turned around. "Right, mom?"
But, once Mina asks she notices her mom is gone.
"Dad, where's mom?" Mina asks Steve with a dark aura around her.
Steve pointed to the museum, where they hear a noise from there.
"Should we check on her?" asked Kina.
"How about we don't, and said we did", suggested Jasmine.
"Jasmine!" Yelled everybody.
"Alright! Alright!" Jasmine waved her hands to calm them down.
Everybody enters the museum seeing objects flying.
"We are going to owe the city a lot of money", said Jasmine.
"Anybody know a millionaire?" asked Lily.
Everybody looks at Ben.
"Why me?" asked Ben.
"You seem the type", Kina replied.
The others agree.
Ben texts a friend of his and gets money in his bank account.
Steve heads to Rose, where more heavier objects, but Mina moves past him, knocking the objects out of the way; and grabs Rose by the collar dragging her out.
Ben moves his phone from his face and says "Miss Amadell, you owe me fifty million dollars".
"Oh crap!" complained Rose.
"Mom, what were you thinking?" asked Mina.
"Just let out something", said Rose.
"Next time, use rocks", said Muna.
"Okay", said Rose, then takes Steve's hand, and gets up.
Steve hugs Rose, and says "You were crying, right?"
Rose wipes her eyes, and says "No".
"We were crying too, even though it was only two years, it's still awful to think that she'll be gone for this… that long", Kina admitted, sounding upset, then hit a car.
"We all feel the same so let's focus our anger and use it on our way to whoever caused this disaster", Jasmine decided.
"That's what I'm thinking too", said Mina, with a red aura around her.
"Wait! Before you get fired up, Dr. Liama texted me that the person's location is 1unknown, even by teleportation", Kina saw on her phone.
"Well, that's great, did she locate the location,she was last seen?" wondered Annabelle.
"Yeah, in the mountains", Kina answers. "But, it's not useful after all nothing bad is happening anymore".
"Well, let's just investigate the scene of the crime", suggested Lily with sunglasses on.
"Good idea", said Rose. "Let's stop wasting time and go".
Kina sets up a teleportation app, which takes them to the mountains, where they see a bunch of wolves panicking and changing into different animals.
"I guess, this is the place", said Jasmine.
"No, duh. Poor creatures", said Mina.
Mina walks up to one of the wolves and points to her ears, tail, and claws.
The wolf put his paw on Mina's hand, and bit on her ear.
"How cute", said Mina, rolling around with the wolf.
"That doesn't hurt?" asked Annabelle, curious.
"Strangely, no", Mina responds with wolf cubs playing with her.
"Must be part of her powers", Annabelle figures out.
One of the wolves walks up to Mina, showing a fierce look in his eyes and commanding presence, also he has big white wings.
"Who are you?" asked the wolf.
"I'm Mina", said Mina, as she stands up.
"Do you know the human that changed us?" asked the wolf.
"I do", said Mina, remembering her text message.
"My name is Wolfie, and I would like to help you with this mission", the wolf told Mina.
Mina takes Wolfie's paws, and says "Sure, let's go".
Wolfie licks Mina's face, and says "Great".
An aura centers around Wolfie, as he spreads his wings, this aura makes feathers from his wings appear in Mina, Jasmine, Kina, Annabelle, and Marvin's hands.
"Where's Mrs. and Mr. Amadell, and Ben?" asked Jasmine.
"They went further into the mountains", Annabelle says, as she examines the feather.
"They really want to be detectives", said Jasmine.
"Jasmine, focus on reality, they're trying to find evidence for the person that caused this disaster", complained Kina.
"I wish we could help them", said Lily.
"I wish we could get behind the magic situation in general", Jasmine wished.
"How can she jump from child to teenager?" asked Lily, curiously.
Once Jasmine and Lily made their wishes the feathers disappear.
"Huh? My feather is gone", Jasmine noticed.
"Mine too", said Lily, shocked.
"After you make a wish, it disappears immediately", said Wolfie. "And it will come true, the wish".
"I'm never going to get used to magic", Mina admitted.
Mina looks at the feather with a smile, and says "If the wishes come true, I wish to understand magic and my own powers for Kaima".
The feather disappears and starts glowing, which makes her levitate in the air.
Once she landed on the ground.
Mina's outfit changes into a long red dress, gloves, yellow heels.
"I understand", said Mina, teaches into her pocket and looks into her phone and seeva message from Dr. Liama.
"I got to find mom and dad, be right back", said Mina.
"Mina, just use the teleportation app", Lily tells Mina.
"They don't work because of the magic here", Mina told Lily back as she heard further in the mountains.
Further in the mountains, Rose, Steve, and Ben are examining the grass, where they see glowing footprints that hold off Aria Well's DNA.
"Bingo", said Rose, as she held a ville.
"We can find the person now", said Steve, as he puts his phone close to the ville and scans it.
"What did you find, Steve?" wondered Rose.
"Her name is Aria Wells, she has a brother, there's nothing of her working anywhere, just records from Elementary to now, doing experiments to find the strange and bizarre things, she's like Dr. Liama", Steve and Ben explained.
"Except Dr. Liama does it for science, but Aria Well does it for science fiction", said Rose.
"But once we find her, should we really take her to jail?" questioned Mina, walking to her parents and Ben.
"It's not that Aria did anything illegal, after all the animals are safe and the people have calmed down, even the people apart from the news", Mina pointed out.
"True, and we might have a hard time, since she might be in league with Zach, which explains how come we couldn't pick her trace or her brother", said Rose.
"So, what do we do now?" asked Steve.
"Of course, we should find her, no one or animal is hurt now, but if she does something rash like this again, we might be that lucky as we were", said Mina.
"True", said Ben.
"But, later I got a message from Dr. Liama that the mayor wants us now", said Mina.
Kina holds her feather, and says "I wish we are at home, the mayor's office".
After that they disappear, and reappear at the mayor's office a.k.a. it's Mina, Annabelle, Jasmine, Kina, Lily, Steve, Rose, and Ben.
In the mayor's office is Dr. Liama, Cat, Neddy, and two special people.
The mayor has short brown hair, wearing a blue jacket, white suit, and black shoes.
The other person is Xeno Mars, a man who has long red hair, wearing a black suit and black shoes.
"Welcome back", said Cat, with a smile.
"What's going on?" asked Annabelle.
"I have asked you here, so you can relocate all of the magical items that could cause trouble to a remote Island", The mayor requested.
"That's it", said Kina.
"Yes, since we can't use our teleportation app, we'll have to do it the old fashion way, which is the new way a.k.a. the mutant way", said the mayor.
After he said that, Mina knew that he meant her, we said 'mutants'.
"Fine, Marvin, can I borrow your feather?" Mina asks Marvin.
Marvin hands over his feather to Mina, and says "I wish for Mina to be able to teleport to and from the remote island".
The feather glows, and the aura from it surrounds Mina.
Mina's eyes glow, looks at everybody and says "I'll be right back".
"Let me come with you", Lily asked. "I need something to lighten my mood".
Mina smiles, takes Lily's hand, and says "Sure, let's go".
A white aura in the shape of a butterfly appears in front of Lily and Mina, and they both go into the portal.
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