My New Power. Chapter 16 Read Count : 184

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Hope you guys enjoy chapter 16 of my new power and show me some support to make me wanna make more of my books and without further ado, lets get right into it.

I met up with David and we got some hamburgers once we were done we headed back to the laboratory and met up with Bryon,
Hey Jack, I have been thinking that the threat of being hunted down has been neutralized for now and I think the best bet for you right now is for u to meet up with your mom, she knows your here but she's still worried sick. You should go to her,
After he said that I had remembered my mom I had totally forgot about her she must have been worried sick about the attack and me being here for days. 
Your right Bryon I need to go ill meet up with you guys later k, sure bye Jack "said David"
I quickly ran as fast as I could to my house and it reminded me what about my school I came on a Friday so i got lucky to get the attack and be able to spend all my weekend at lab but i have school tommorow what do i do. I kept thinking about that all through the trip until I finnaly got back. I knocked on the door waiting for my mom, until I heard the chain from the door being removed and when my mom opened it she looked very sad until she caught a glimpse of my face and smiled with delight, she quickly gave me a big warm hug and started to cry.
Oh my how I missed you Jack!. 
I hugged her as tightly as she did me it had been days since I have seen my mom and I was glad to be here with her.
I heard about what happend with the whole attack and the laboratory and I was so worried! I'm just so glad your ok.
"My mom took me inside and we sat and we talked, She took out the cookor crisp and a glass of milk and we talked for maybe hours, i had even told her about the visions I got trying to activate my rune but i couldnt pull myself together to tell her about the one where the house burns to the ground. We talked some more and I was just glad to be with her right now and I'm just glad everything turned out fine.

My New Power. Chapter 17 Coming Soon
Hope you all enjoyed and hope you all Rate, Comment, Share and enjoyed and show me some support to help me make more Chapters more often.

Special Announcement
I'm going to try to make my new power chapters more often I am going to try to make 1 Chapter every week either 1 Chapter Every Friday or Thursday and the more support i get the more chance of it happening.
Other than that hope you all enjoyed and hope to see you all next time Byyyeeee!.


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