The Butterfly Part 3 Read Count : 146

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
It was a normal day. We kicked some bad guy butt, ate some slop tarts, but... I was just... bored. Until, "PENNY PENNY PENNY! CHECK THIS OUT!" Rob screamed. "What is it Rob?" "I JUST ACHIEVED TIME TRAVEL!!!" He screamed. "WHAT???" I yelled. "Come on, I'll show you!" He said. In front of me stood a large machine. "Great scott." I said. I stepped inside. "I'm going to send you 3 seconds in the future, k?" He said. "Yeah, I'm ready. I said. All of the sudden, I saw the future, and the past, and the present! I stepped out. "It worked!" I said to Rob. He smiled. "This is incredible!" He screamed. "Where next?" He asked. "I wanna punch Hitler in the FACE!" I responded. "Good choice!" he said. He sent me off. "Vho zare vou?" Hitler said to me. I paused. (WHACK) "IN THE FUTURE YOU'RE CONSIDERED THE WORST PERSON TO EVER LIVE!" I yelled in his face. Then, I was back. "That. Felt. AWESOME!" I screamed. "Now we can use this on missions! If we screw it up, we can just go back and fix it!" Rob said. "Yeah!" I said.


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