My First Lucky Story
Read Count : 108
Category : Scripts
Sub Category : Plays
This is a story about a girl named lucky she is part humin part wolf. She is a leader. Her kind is really raer and hard to find nowadays.. There's four main characters. A little girl that lives with her grandfather and luck's night/guardLucky: You stay here watch the heard for me I will be back.The little girl: Grandfather where are we going?Grandfather: You will see!The little girl: OkLittle did they know lucky was following them in her wolf form. The little girl could tell she was nearby but she didn't want lucky to get hurt so she didn't say anything. Lucky had her mother's sent on her. The little girl hasn't seen her mother in years.The little girl thanking to herself: How? No one knows my mom. She died U_U it's not possible to have anyone to have her scent on them.Lucky took palce of being the leader of the tribe after her mother died.The little girl and her grandfather were hiking up a hill.Lucky was running through the woods keeping up with them.By the time they reached the top of the hill lucky cross the road in her human form to go get some items. The little girl and the grandfather went separate ways from lucky.Lucky needed to go get more food. Her tribe is running out and low on hunters.As the little girl and her grandfather set up camp her grandfather woludnt stop talking about how he wanted every single kind of lucky's type dead.The little girl: Why do you want them to die so much?Grandfather: Because they're the reason why your mother is dead!The little girl: That's not true.Grandfather: Oh really now were you there to see the whole thing! No you weren't!The little girl: I know I wasn't there but you weren't either!Grandfather: Don't raise your voice at me little girl!The little girl: Then how about you try to tone your voice down when you're talking to me!Grandfather: How about you start helping and stop complaining!The little girl goes out to the woods to gather wood for the fire. Lucky finally arrives at her tribe.Lucky: I'm back with the food.Lucky's night/guard: Finally you're back (he says with a worried voice)Lucky: Yes I'm fine now give this food to the other wolf pups. Make sure the men get plenty, and remember the girls need a little bit too.Luck's night/guard: Isn't really much food here.Lucky: I know look l only got what l can afford okay I'm trying this how now thing being the leader is hard. Now go.Lucky's night/guard: Yes ma'am.Lucky: Look only because I'm the leader now doesn't mean you have to call me ma'am. I wold like to still be called lucky. Please.Lucky's night/guard: Sorry ma I mean lucky..Lucky: Look it's been a long day for everyone. Don't let it get to you. It's ok just please try to call me lucky for now on. Now go give the food to the tribe they're waiting.The tittle girl has came back from collecting woodGrandfather: What took you so long!?The little girl: I got lost.Grandfather: Don't lie to me!The little girl: What if I am what if I'm not why would you care?Grandfather: Because I don't need you to end up dead too!The little girl: Look I'm old enough to fight for myself!Grandfather: Will your mother thought that too, and look where she is. dead!The little girl: You don't have to keep reminding me that my mother is dead.Grandfather: Will it's true!The little girl: You know mom was part wolf too.The grandfather gets up in the little girls face.Grandfather: she was not!The little girl pushed him away. She is now crying.The little girl: She was too! My mother used to tell me stories about the wolf tried she protected, and now probably half of them are dead because of the people who want money for them and who are scared of them.Grandfather: What type of stories did she have to tell you about?The little girl: Why would you care I would never tell you anyways, knowing how you always yell at me.The grandfather is silent and just stares at her.The little girl: that's fine I don't want an apology from you anyways cuz you don't mean it. You'll never actually be sorry to me. I don't care how many times you say the word you'll never meant it. Never now will you?To be continued...