Egocentric-Vindictive-Pathological Liar Read Count : 68

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
You can’t always believe what is written. You can’t always believe what is said. But when you see it and hear it That resonates on you head. Such is the case with our nations leader. Is he leading or behind led. Because he’s a contradiction. Thousands of our people are dead. You all know the details believe what you will. Live and taped TV strips away the verbal skill. History will record a  story filled with pain. How a leader of a nation was more interested in his name with all the great presidents who led. His role casts a shadow over all of them. Whether spontaneous or it’s rehearsed. It is a tragic  commentary how our country. Much due to the virus but more to his calculating heart. There will be light at the tunnel for most of are firm. We’ll follow the scientists directions. So our nation doesn’t burn. The symbol that we strive for is to hold and. The glow that lights the tunnel. Will shine from up above.


  • Apr 23, 2020

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