Freedom Is Just An Illusion Read Count : 154

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
Freedom look the word up in the dictionary and to be truly free means to be under no one person's ruling. Now think hard because in reality we are all under the ruling of others. Whether it be our boss at a job, your church organization, or family member's, or even that device your holding to read my story on can control you. But we are not truly free in America or any other country for that matter. I once was truly free from the control of man until recently. I seen heaven on earth as it should be and in my vision we was all FREE from the control of other's, free from slavery, free from sickness, diseases, and death. We was all seperate, yet worked as one.. Yes it was beautiful and I can only pray that we humans start putting energy on healing not just mother earth who takes care of all our needs, but to end suffering and pain throughout the earth. In America we have freedom to choose, that's it. We have a choice to work or not, but those who don't are looked down on because they refuse to slave for man. We don't even have freedom in how we raise our kids, we either send them to school or pay a price.. So yeah freedom is just an Illusion created by those who rule America to make you think your free when in reality we aren't. An example would be this lockdown we are on we either do it or pay a price... Open your eyes to the many lies we are fed to control you


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