Slender Man Read Count : 140

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Hi! Today I'm going to tell you a story. It was how I ended up in Juvie, a jail for kids. 

It was my 6th birthday. Nobody showed up except for my cousin, Bryan. Although I'm pretty sure he was paid to do it. After we ate my panda cake, (my favorite animal!) my mother told Brian to take me outside to play ball with me, since I wanted to. He ended up texting his girlfriend the whole time, refusing to play with me. I ended up kicking it around by myself. I remember hearing a crunch of leaves in the wood's behind my house. I looked, but saw nothing. I continued playing by myself until I heard it again. That's when I saw the blank white face. I was scared at first, until he waved me over, into the woods. Of course, Brian paid absolute no attention to me, making it very easy to wonder off. When I reached the tall, slender figure, its hand reached down to me, closed. I looked at it's face, confused by why it wasn't opening its hand to reveal what was inside. It finally opened its white hand to show a small Gummy Bear. My mother always told me not to take candy from strangers though.. But then he pointed to Brian. I assumed that he meant give it to Brian. I wasn't taking candy from stranger's, I was giving people candy from stranger's. So I ran back out of the woods, running over to Brian.
"Here you go, Brian!" I said to him.
Without looking up from his phone, he blindly took the candy from me. He ate it, and then looked at me.
"This has a funky taste." He said to me.
I remember right after he said that, he threw up blood and then fell on the ground. I was horrified. My Mom saw him and screamed. After she found out that I gave the gummy to him, she looked at me, not saying a word. She grabbed my hand, pulling me to my father. I guess she told him about how I gave him the poisoned candy, because he went straight to the police. They ended up taking me to Juvie. But seriously, where would a six year old get poison? They asked me, why would you do this? I told them Slender man made me. Of course they didn't believe me. 

But I will always remember the white face. And I'm pretty sure, I saw its face curve into an evil smile.


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