CrrYn CruX Read Count : 83

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
"CrrYn CruX"

-u Cn ChcK mY credibiLiTy
2 corporaTe Americans, mY crediT iz klln me
2 sTreeT Americans, nuFFin here iz FuLFiLLn me
I disGuized mYsLF n BLK Bc itz conceaLn me
I wuz raized a cerTain WaY so nuFFin here iz heaLn me
FcK I needTa c a Therapist 4 wen dem Nggaz onLy b biLLn me?
HtF hVe deY hLpd me 2 gain insighT on watz conceaLd n me?
QwaKer or nt, Im priVaTeLy a PvT & I CnT spiLL da beanz
Bc n CourT, TwKn 2 FcKn much Cn kll da team
I choze 2 CrrY da Cross aLonE so mY "CruX" iz da iLLesT theme
Morbid Mania, I kll dis theme
Im a KillaGuerrilla so Im aprT oF da reaLesT team
Lyrically, I sparr'd w NazTy & nOw I kum up w da iLLesT sKeems
SrrY RAP, I b wriTin da reaLesT themes
SrrY poeTry, BaTTLe BARz iz waT I deaL 2 da Feenz
SrrY WrLd Bt bLendn BaTTLe BARz & poeTry iz klln da Feenz
SrrY AduLTs Bt da body counTs iz appeaLn 2 Teens
Esp da 1s who surViVed b'n jakkd w a Mic by BiLLie Jean (lol)-



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