ADICKted. +18 Mature Content
Read Count : 112
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I felt alone
An established feeling at that point
There was no one in sight
No one to my left and
No one to my right
I called one of my lovers
I gravitate towards the familiar
SomeTHING intimate and habitual
I needed a fix
No 'points' in sight
No new random sex partner
I was bored and yearned to stir the pot.
His manhood wood hit the spot
The pain of self inflicted solitary confinement lacerates my very soul
I NEEDED to FEEL wanted
I just needed to feel
Maybe it was the thrill of flirting with death
Be it mine or his
We were toxic
An addiction with no known cure
Both of us aware of the others deception
But making each other
our own exceptions
I am aDICKted to it