I'm Done Read Count : 179

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
I have a friend who I thought trusted me. I guess she doesn't anymore. I don't know what to do. She's hurt me so much  I gave her one more chance. And she's about to use it. She doesn't care whether she loses me or not. So I she doesn't care if she loses me, she's going to lose me. I'm done being hurt by her. I have better friends who actually trust me. Who actually care whether or not they lose me. Friends who fight for me. Friends who won't hurt me. Honestly, it hurts getting rid of her but I know it will be for the best. She will no longer be able to hurt me. She may be able to bully me and spread lies about me but those won't cut as deep as betraying me. 


  • You don't need friends like that

    Jul 22, 2017

  • nobody, and i mean nobody, deserves friends like this. oml

    Jul 22, 2017

  • Pamela Kate

    Pamela Kate

    you do need friends like her in order to grow and be successful... they are the once who strengthen your heart to be brave

    Jul 22, 2017

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