Fear Of The Nation Read Count : 175

Category : Articles

Sub Category : World
What is number one way to cause fear an chaos to human race? 

Is this all a tactic for gravity of earth? 

Are the humans of this world being picked by certain Criteria's?  

Or this end of human civilization? 

All comes to control.. I believe... Why not use a virus... To prevent certain events from happening to delay the process of certain events. 

Find out who is ultimately strong to survive thru the chaos from physical to mental to spiritual warfare... 

Killing off the baby boomers to avoid payouts of social security... Killing off the secretive societies... This new world order want to take face with a new name... 

Life is a pattern from Generations to Generations... Decades to Decades... Decrease the citizens of the world... 
You can not define what fate is... What it was made for individuals... 

When hell is rising on earth... Discover the importance of discovering our future.. Chaos will over rule human kind... 

Ones who get defeated are the lost souls.. 
Ones who get defeated sacrifice in one way or another... Being controlled by the media is there winning streak... 

Why would human mind fall to victim of falsehoods? 

How does the human brain actually consume truth with trickery? 

How can we all still have faith an hope with so much hatred on this earth? 

Brain washing is number one control.. 
They want people to believe what think is when it really a hoax or altered virtual reality... 

How many question the media an falsehood of television? 

Programming the gullible minds.. That do not think or blink twice of what being told or shown... Let get civilians to do our dirty work was planned all along from the evil secret societies... Let's spawn new recruits that seem to fall into the loop hole of Pandora box... 

No matter what the cost... Unleashing the deadly seven sins unto what is called Earth... Smart special unique humans that been experimented on... By what are called scientists... In one process we all are experiments from birth... 

Now robotics in humans... Are not full humans... So where is this epidemic or pandemic going to lead to... Zombie virus.. 
Kills human race... 

In all we watch or seen or see... Is symbolic message hidden to truth? 
Thrown to vision of future? 

That is for the individual to decide if your individual minds are not blind to the truth.. Life is pattern that pattern been exposed an in motion all of earth will be banished into soil that was beginning of time... 

Vanish of Earth... Will one day be dead Earth in the Galaxy... New planet... New species will evolve into new world war of Big Bang Theory... Will continue the pattern set forth... 

What is it that you believe in?


  • Apr 16, 2020

  • Apr 16, 2020

  • Apr 19, 2020

  • Love it its logical.

    Apr 19, 2020

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