Dark Matter Read Count : 172

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Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Dark Matter

I foresee “Dark Matter” engulfing the Earth,

On the last exsting day.

Destructions that already falls upon our universe,

From “Visions of Humanity.”

Human-kind one by one disappears into aerospace,

I project more people screaming;

As clear as alidade;

Bodies continue decapitalization,

Will end Homo-Sapiens,

To the whole world an beyand exstistance.

Ultimate distruction has not hit the Earth yet,

There is more to come,

From rivers floodings,

To Buildings come crumbling down,

To flame of fires.

“Truth to End of Days”

(As referanced in “Revelaton's” in the Bible)

Chaos of wars between the Worlds,

Will succeed to unknown,

Atmosphere an Space beyond,

Once was considered as a “Whole Unniverse.”

Will be astronomical objects,

That become particles of 

“Great Deconstruction”

of great mass of

“Dark Matter”



Stars will become,

“,Missing Mass”

Uncolored specks of dim nonexstences,

to vanishing 

“Dark Matter”

That once made the

“Milky Way or Solor System”

Beyond becomes Oblivion.

Flames Flurries burn into ashes,

Float upon landfills once was known;

As cities, towns and countries.

Varieties of “Puzzle Pieces”

Endure into “Aftermath Debre”

At one point resembled the 

“Picture of Earth.”

Will blast these,

These “Puzzle Pieces of Earth”

Once known.

Get blasted through the atmosphere.


Color once known vanishes into nonexstence.

Visions of once known Human Eyes,

Eyed through a telescope view,

“View point of a patterned noncolored quilt”

Seperated and Desolves into thin air in the

“Milky Way.”

This once knouwn,

“Quilt of patterns of Puzzle Pieces”

Become shattered flurries of broken orb's of 

“Dark Matter.”

Souls of once Physical Pods of Humans,

Become Paranormal shadows;

Desperation to descover the significant presences,

In once known Physical Pods,

Once known on place called ;


Was Part of once known in the 

“Universe of Solor System.”

Perceptible by the eye,

Discernible by the mind,

Is now, 


Is now,


Is now,


Of the 

“Whole Universe into Oblivion.”

“Puzzle Pieces”

Become scrambled into a

“Electro-Magnetic Fields.”

Floating; Falling as like pouring down rain.

Which become known as “Phenomena,”

Could it be?

Maybe one day to be discovered ,

To study nature of putting these,

“Puzzle Pieces”


One day if there is,

Day or/and Nights,

Be recomplete the puzzled,

“Dark Matter?”

If it is ment to regain,


If it is ment to regain,

“Prodigies of Philosophy”

In awareness to 


from a 


As I project; “Dark Matter” Black will produce,

Through a 

“Telescope of Vision.”

In my,

“Premonition in my mind.”

All will be blasted into Oblivion.

Annihilation of the Earth,

Annihilation of the whole Universe,

Will be extinction to the unknown of,

“Dark Mattter.”

Once known as the Universe; Solor System.

Paranormal of perception,

Will only become a


or a 

Perception of a Demolished,


“Dark Matter.”

Once was a general occurance in course,

of once known ,

Time, Place, Humanity, World,

Called; “Earth!”

Will not exist ever in unknown awareness of knowledge,

Of the mind,

It will be cremated.

Paranormal will be left as the,

“Dark Matter”


“Puzzle Pieces”

Produced through the coming,

Between unexplained,

“Rays of Light Tunnels”

“Debre of Dark Matter”

Will float into the unexplained unknown.

As Distruction of the Universe,

As Distruction of the Phenomena,

As Distruction of the Cosmos,

As the Distruction of the Macrocosm,

Will Vanish into Oblivion.

All that once was Realistic,

Will become Worthless,

Will become Nonexstant,

In a never once was as a World,

In a never once was Milky Way,

In a never once was Solor System,

It all explodes into millions,

“Puzzle Pieces of Dark Matter.”

As Referance to Humanity,

Explodes into the Sphere ,

of truth is unknown of any exstiance ever known;


There will be no Logic,

There will be no Universal Set,

There will be no Statistics,

Or that there was any order of Harmony,

Or will not be Macrocosm,

ever again.

Surfaces that once was built on,


From Land to Oceans,

From Buildings to Roads,to Bridges,

Will all vanish into the

“Puzzle Pieces into Oblivion.”

Humans as we once knew our-selves,

Will become decapitated into,

“Dark Matter”

Of ashes of cremation begins..

Eventually decay into distingushed,

Back into the inner nature of the,

'Dark Matter into Oblivion.”


“Idiom of Bach;”

Will it ever be?

“reconnected  of Utupia through Puzzle Pieces?”


  • Apr 16, 2020

  • Apr 19, 2020

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