I Am Read Count : 139

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Yes, I'm human.  
I need love to run over my bare shoulders.  
Yes.  I am afraid.
My thoughts are bullets with I can kill myself. 

 Yes.  I'm sensitive.  
My eyes have drained rivers, fueling their pride. 
 Yes.  I'm fine. 
 For everyone who asks just to find out.

  I'm going nowhere, 
That's what humanity has taught me all these years.  
Someone to catch me, I can fail.
  But if everyone is busy, I'll save myself.  

Yes.  I'm here.  
Blocked between space, seeking other liar. 
 Yes.  I'm amnesiac, trying to leave the past behind. 

 Yes, I'm still alive.  
Surviving day by day, trying to understand my life. 
 Yes.  I need another day of life, 
To become a skilled in this fight.  

Yes.  I am human. And we all make mistakes. 
 Some when they love too much 
And others when they do not love.


  • Mar 27, 2020

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