The Unoinist Manifesto Read Count : 57

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Politics
Unoinism isn't socialist, or capitalist, it's rather a type of state capitalism. It takes some of the revenue from of the government, and creates a minimum income. Unoinism can only work in developed countries, that not only have alot of wealth, but also keep making more wealth. 

Just for the argument, let's say the minimum is 10,000 a year, that 10,000 isn't taxed, even if you make over that amount. If you make under that, let's say you make 8,000, then the government gives you 2,000 in welfare. This book tries to talk about how to create a minimum. Here are the three things necessary for the minimum. 
  1. There a flat tax 
  2. There a standard of how little you can make 
  3. The government controls the employment of those making less then then the minimum 
Flat tax 
Anyone making the exact same as the minimum, don't pay the minimum income. As there income bracket increases, the taxes increases, until they make it to middle class, then the taxes don't increase any more. This means that those making the minimum don't count as under the minimum. as income bracket decreases, the taxes decreases, this makes the decline into the minimum slower. There also a negative income bracket, for those making below the minimum. As you go further down, you receive more welfare. 

The minimum 
There must also be an official minimum, the minimum is the certain amount that doesn't get taxed, and you can't make less then. As inflation increases, the minimum increases, and as inflation decreases, the minimum decreases. A minimum income, creates a minimum to the economy. 

The government controls the employment of anyone in the negative income bracket. The government has them work were it's most profitable, even if there making less then in a different industry, if the public sees it more profitable in a different industry then that where they should work, the public interest comes before the private interest when it comes to employment. They would also teach them the skills to do those jobs. After all important public needs are taken care of, they work in the industry that gives them the most.

An Example Of Unoinism 

Let say there a shortage of bread, the government would give people who can't afford bread, bread, then the government would put them into industries to make bread, farmers, trasportoin of bread, Baker assassinate, and if there skilled enough, the baker.


  • Mar 27, 2020

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