Nursing, From Cradle To Grave
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : World
Nursing, from cradle to grave they sayYet, we have to be brave till we turn grey.The pandemic we are facing has proven it to the worldIt has spread so fast and is now unfurled.It came all of a sudden without a wordIt's still as if we are dreaming.Many have been to the netherworldMany call it the underworld.Nurses no longer live for themselvesThey cannot even be in their shelves.Many are being isolatedNurses have become so agitated.This virus has become so versatileThat nurses cannot afford to smile.Their families need them the most at this timeBut the world also needs them to work overtime.They no longer care about their own livesThey are focused on saving the infected.They have to work frightfullyPracticing their profession faithfully.They no longer fear deathThey only fear living without fulfilling their calling.They no longer choose the sweet ways to liveThey now accept the difficult ways to help others live.At this point, passion has come to playEven though they have to defray.They receive many aspersionsThey still choose to reject the aversion.All because the job has become an addictionThis will end them in a lifetime of admiration.