Officer Down Read Count : 68

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
"officer down, officer down"
The sound of gunshots all around
His partner arrives on scene
Sees the blood and he hears the screams
The shooters staring him in the eyes
More shots fired and the shooter dies
He races to his partner hoping it's not too late
He tried to save him but there was no heart rate
Panic stricken deep in our chest
We aren't ready to lay him to rest
It wasn't supposed to be this way
You're lying to me please tell me he will be okay
With two kids and a wife at home
Please tell me he isn't really gone
And I'll never understand all this hate
Or why such a good man had such a terrible fate
He wore his uniform with great pride
He was an amazing guy and for him we cry
And though we will never understand the reasons why
"It's the end of your watch" so today we say goodbye


  • Mar 26, 2020

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