Bullying Read Count : 146

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
 If you can change from happy to depression why can’t you change a bully to a better person. I like to use the phrase kill them with kindness. As this one story I remember reading online about a man who worked at a church making the garden look nice.

I remember watching what would you do? how everyone stood up for the woman being messed with by the man and no one stood up for the male being messed with by the female . What would you do is shown because its real things that happen that shows how people normally react but normally we don’t do the right thing in these situations. There was  a popular bible story were a man is beaten and left to die on his way to town people who he thought were his friends don’t help.then the one who was his enemy comes along and saves the man’s life.
There is no excuse for hate against gays Mexicans females blacks whites or Asian even politicians just be cause you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you plan the day you can punch them

 Some parents are afraid there kids will be bullied so they restrict exploring there sexuality. But by doing this your teaching them they cant be who they are cause the world will reject them. They will isolate and hate themselves cause they view themselves as flawed human beings this carries on into adulthood If they even reach it cause suicide is high in the lgbt community Ecspecially among kids and teens who are not accepted by there families.

Females are also bullied there’s this big confusion for girls .if your to fat you get teased cause no Lloyd the popular girls aren’t overweight and if your to skinny you get teased cause you look disgusting like you might break. Its like there is no middle ground and girls will find something to pick on you about.

It’s even worse for teens who are rape victims already not liked and bullied. You better not mention it if you’re a boy cause you’ll be considered gay or less a man you better not mention it if you’re a girl they’ll They call you a whore or  tell others to keep watch of there boyfriends .your parents may listen but the bullying that can be brought on after a girl gets raped is often cruel and unbelievab.often carrying on into adulthood. 

I remember watching what would you do? how everyone stood up for the woman being messed with by the man and no one stood up for the male being messed with by the female . What would you do is shown because its real things that happen that shows how people normally react but normally we don’t do the right thing in these situations. There was  a popular bible story were a man is beaten and left to die on his way to town people who he thought were his friends don’t help.then the one who was his enemy comes along and saves the man’s life.
There is no excuse for hate against gays Mexicans females blacks whites or Asian even politicians just be cause you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you plan the day you can punch them


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