Scattered Home -2 Read Count : 138

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
After Jane was taken to her father's house he came to ask for forgiveness and because Jane loved him so much,she forgave her and took her back home.
The next day Mama G was called by her fellow women in their group to request her stop what she was doing.She never listened to any one including their president of the group.
After the meeting,she went to fight Jane's mom then some youths were passing by and saw then fighting and went immediately to call Jane's father to rescue her wife.When he reached there,he found them still fighting then he came immediately.
When he reached Mama G had already beaten her.So he called the police for Mama G.When police reached Mama G's house her daughters wanted to fight them but they were all arrested.By then Jane's husband was at work and when he returned,Kenny's wife told him what happened and he immediately went to the police station.Kenny went to apologize to Jane's father but the man refused to listen to him.
Jane went on to ask her father to release them.But after some days,he released them.They returned to their home.
Next day Amara and her sister were going to fetch water and they met the twins that went to the city some time back.Twins laughed at them after hearing their story.Amara was annoyed and wanted to them but the twins were more powerful than them and beat them and they did not return a single punch.
They returned home with their faces swollen and their mom was disappointed at them for being beaten.
One day Mama G was seen putting on the uniform of their group on the market after she was suspended.The news reached their president and she sent for her immediately.She was told not to wear it again until the suspension was over but she didn't listen she just walked away.After that meeting,she waited for one of the women that reported her and fought her.She was again called to pay a fine for fighting a member of the group.She paid but she again waited for the same woman to beat her saying,"The amount I paid is too much for what I did so let me complete it right now"She fought her.

The same to her daughters,they were told to pay a fine for fighting every time.So the president sent two other girls to get the fine from them.They reached saying that the president sent us to get the fine from you but Amara and her sister beat them.The other two girls reported back to the president and they were suspended.

A certain prophet came to pray for them but the issue seemed to be too big for him so he just went away.Mama G went to ask for forgiveness to the group members and she was allowed to join again.
The same to her daughters,they went to ask for forgiveness and were allowed to join back.

After some days a certain woman came claiming that Amara harvested her cassava and sold them.Mama G was amazed but did not believe her.The woman insisted but they were not beleiving so she went to report to the elders of the community.
They called all of them for a meeting.The woman said that someone told her that Amara daughter to Mama G harvested her cassava and sold them.No one could believe her and she was told to bring that witness to say what happened.

After some weeks,the Father from a church in their village called for a delivarance prayer for all members of Mama G house.When they are praying he told them to ask for forgiveness to Mama G 's mom that they mistreated some years back and he will come to conclude with the rest.And when they did so,he came to pray for them and everybody was delivered and Jane came back to her husband and everything became fine.


  • Apr 09, 2020

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