Things I Dislike About Anime Read Count : 85

Category : Lists

Sub Category : N/A
1. Pervert characters 

2. Unsolved anime, where you have to read the manga to figure out what happens next.

3. Characters with the same personality in the same anime, it makes it so boring.

4. Overdramatic characters or scenes in anime where it doesn't fit.

5. Love triangles, I just despise it.

6. Anime parents that care nothing about their children and put them through so much struggle.

7. Dragged out episodes that could be easily solved in one episode.

8. Lazy animation or dubs

9. This is more for fans, but I'm including it anyway since it is part of the anime community. Delusional people who think the anime is nothing like the manga, but it is.

10. When I can't tell if the character is a boy or a girl.

11. When people look or act too young  for their age, sometimes it cute, other times it's annoying.

12. Characters that are only shown in episode, even though they are really interesting characters.


  • Apr 06, 2020

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