His Abyss Read Count : 90

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The dark nights engulfed me, and the darkness had obscured my vision and surround me completely. 

My eyes opened to a sea of grass along an endless field. 

A step forward brought me falling into the dark world that was a hole. 

Wind pushed against me as I descended, there was no urge or need to scream as many would in this situation. 

Here, I could see her. 

What we could not be because of my lack of will, what I could not tell her because of my lack of courage, what I could not do to her because of my lack of strength. 

She is gone.

Yet, she is right here. I reached my hand out to her and then had been snatched up by someone. Intertwining their fingers with each others and pulling each other close, into the warmth of what they are. 

How crushed I was to witness such a spectacle, how much my morale was drained. 

I snapped awake, still the darkness continued it's ongoing surrounding of me. 

It is far too early in the morning for such nightmares. 

Perhaps, even, it is far too late for me to be with her.


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    Apr 06, 2020

  • Apr 06, 2020

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