The Man In The Hallway
Read Count : 142
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I awake to the sound of footsteps echoing through the hallway. My eye lids barely opening, I sit up and yawn. Looking at the alarm clock, I see the time if 1:46 am flashing red. I rubbed my eye's to see clearly. I needed to use the bathroom. But who was that awake at this early time? Probably my Dad or Mom. I approach my bedroom door, almost tripping over a pile of clothes. Again, the footsteps echo through the narrow hall. I peek through the crack in my door. Its almost pitch black, except the street light lighting the hall up just barely through the curtains pulled across the window. I can barely make out a figure through the dark. It looked like a man, in a suit. My mouth opens to say "Who are you", but I bit my tounge. If it was a killer he'd come towards the door hearing the sound of my voice. Then, I heard my parents bedroom door open. After a minute or two of peering through the door, I decided it was fine and I lie back down in bed. But I hear something heavy drop to the floor. Again, I peek through the door. A small scream almost came out of my mouth, but my hand covers it. I see red liquid coming from my parent's door. Blood. What should I do? I don't want to die at 10 years of age! But very stupidly of me, I slowly open the door. I hear a creak in the floorboards. I freeze. I was frozen with fear. Then, a tall man comes out of the door with a bloody knife. I could barely make out the face. But just enough of the man's face I could see to tell who it is.. PART 2 COMING SOON!