Realizations I've Got Now Read Count : 181

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Motivation
when I was growing up I realized that skies will not always be blue,  sometimes skies seems to be so dark and there's no thin light or even the tiniest star in it. But still we always believe that amidst darkness we will still find the light for the way. 

I realized that roses is not just red,  it has variety of colors. That flowers strewn pathways all our lives through. It makes me rethink of the times that I'm just sticking to what I believe is right,  not thinking there's a lot of ways and means to make and add colors to our lives. 

I realized that sun could not be there always for us. Sometimes we had to experience rain.  It seems to say that there's no joy without sorrow and peace without pain. 

I realized that life is an empty book,  each page has it's own story.  We may have problems and struggles.  We have a page in life where we feel contentment and happiness.  A page in which we knew that we are down, unweary,  lonely and empty. A page on which our faith was tested.  A page on which we stand up high and face the day ahead with courage. These taught me that life is amazing.  It just need guts and positivism in all means.  Nothing happens without a purpose.  We might fall but we need to get up,  we might cry but we need to held head high,  we fight but we end up in peace,   and we are broken because we are trying to love and be love. We have this unfailing sympathy for this undying love. 


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