Evergreen Book 1 Chapter 3 Read Count : 49

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
The general stood at her desk. Nobody knew her gender except herself and Evergreen. She trusts Evergreen and wants to protect her with all her heart, but she needs to do this. This is what an experienced elf must do. Evergreen is the most experienced elf in all of the elven planet! Well, maybe not. But she's the best shape-shifter of all of them. She can hopefully get the dragons, the dangerous dragons, the horrible dangerous nightmare like dragons. "I need a break."the commander said. Evergreen suddenly walked in. "Dragons!"she yelled, terrified. "I know, I made that journal."the general said back to her. "Don't you wish that more people liked you sometimes?"the commander was sidetracked, dragons weren't important to her now, only her ego. "Well, what if you resigned, and got back in office but as your real self."Evergreen suggested. "That's an amazing idea! Thank you, but um... I'm afraid I need you to do the dragon mission. Nobody else would ever do it, and you can say you're human!"Evergreen was eager to go. "But how will I get the dragons to come here? I can't speak draconic, and only  someone who speaks that language can influence them to go, and usually it doesn't work without a bribe!"Evergreen was worried. This plan could go wrong in so many ways. "You'll use a dragon of course, and I'll supply you with armor, for you and as a bribe for the escaped dragons." "I best be packing, then. I'll see you later." The general hoped that may be true.


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