Satan Is...
Read Count : 41
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Satan broke down is man who sat over a nation forming it in his own image. Hmm... Isn't that what the religious leaders and government do? A book called "The Holy Bible" was written thousands of years ago by a king (man) who chose 12 priest to help him write it and he alone chose what was to go in that book. It was written by a very intelligent man who knew how to feed off his people's fears and belief systems, so wrote this book, telling all God inspired him. When in reality it was spirits of the dead who guided him not some God. Our leaders use this book and laws to control your actions in society just as they did thousands of years ago. Man rules man-Aliens rule us-and spirits guide us. It's funny how religious don't believe in ghost, yet they worship a "Holy Ghost" get it? Our leaders still use our belief system to control us and our fears to keep us at their beck and call. I faced all my fears and rose above. I stick by my belief system because I didn't believe in blind faith and met those who you worship and who control our minds. Blessed be may this help you to rise. I'm just a messenger like Jesus was as religious call him, even though that wasn't his true name. Man these days worship what man creates and doesn't appreciate the things given to us freely by mother nature, who by the way can destroy all man creates in one day if she wanted too. We need to learn truth and stop letting man control usc through our addictions to the things they created in order to make money off you. Did you know man created death, sickness and diseases in order to make money off you? Yup! If we all stop putting shit in our body that's unhealthy for us and learn to listen to our bodies needs, We'd live sooo much longer than we do now.
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