My Life During Covid 19. Part 2a
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Category : Diary/Journal
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Today is April 2, 2020. This is my continuing report of how COVID -19 is affecting people in my neighborhood, My city Paterson New Jersey, and our country. I'll start off today as to how I'm personally affected. I still have no response from unemployment. I filed my claim now 12 days ago. Now to the more important update. Since the last report that I made, 79 more people have died in New Jersey as a result of COVID 19. The count of people in the state testing positive for the virus is now at 22,255. This is one of the highest numbers in the United States, second only to New York. I have decided to use the time I have available to get as much information as possible about this disease, how it's affecting people, and their daily lives. The goal is to inform as many as possible and try to help save lives. What I am doing today is beginning the process of interviews, and I am asking people how their lives and careers are being impacted. My first interview is with a lady named Tiffany W. Tiffany was unemployed before the crisis started. She was already collecting unemployment and severance from her last employer so in that regard, she is more fortunate than others Her income is not impacted. And she doesn't need to leave the house for work. Tiffany is a single mother. She resides with her children in Newark NJ. I asked her what is the biggest impact she is facing due to the virus? She told me that the biggest challenge she has faced so is with her son's education. Her son is a senior in high school and The school of course being closed and they are teaching online. She explained that the process of getting him set up to learn online turned out to be a frustrating experience to get and keep him online to continue his studies. Another challenge they face is that her son is employed at Popeyes. He has had his hours reduced as the restaurant is open until 8 pm ( he loses hours) and he is in constant contact with customers and other employees. There are no customers dining in the restaurant, but people still come in for takeout food. As soon as Jibreel comes home from work. He has to discard his clothes immediately and keep his distance from family until he has showered. And at work and home, he washes his hands often. Tiffany also told me that when she left her job, she was given a parting gift by her supervisor, the gift turned out to be a pandemic flu kit. Included with this kit are masks 4 n95 masks, 2 surgical masks and a very large bottle of hand sanitizer. All of which come in very handy now. She told me that she doesn't go out of the house much except to go food shopping once a week. When she does go shopping she doesn't wear a mask unless she is not feeling well. And while in the store, she keeps social distance and when she is on the checkout line she doesn't put her foot on the belt until the person in front of her removes theirs. Because Tiffany doesn't go out much, she hasn't felt the need to stock up on things like masks, gloves, toilet paper, and paper towels. Because of this, she is now somewhat afraid that if and when she goes to buy those things they won't be there. She lives in a fairly safe delivery area and is considering shopping online for necessities. She told me that if she does that she will keep me informed as to how it works for her. I thanked her for her time and input. She told me that her wish is for people to stay home and be safe.