His Eyes Read Count : 155

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
I pulled the covers up and switched off the light. A slight, warm breeze came through the open window. The moon beamed brightly, yet subtly, lighting up my room. I yawned and closed my eyes. A moment later I opened them. A shudder went up my spine. A feeling of dread washed over my body. Thinking I had awoken from a nightmare, I laid staring at the ceiling waiting for the feeling to pass. It didn’t. I glanced around the room and my eyes stopped when it reached the corner near the window. A pair of eyes stared at me. Not just any eyes. They were huge, empty eyes. The pupils so small, I had to squint to see them. I waited in fear, but they never blinked nor moved. I looked away to turn on my lamp, but quickly looked back when I heard a shuffling sound. The eyes had moved. Now whatever possessed those eyes was standing in the moonlight. A tall, grotesque, and dark figure stood watching me. My heart rate quickened. There were no features to pick out, but his eyes. I felt they were staring into my soul, hiding everything I had ever done. I blinked and in that moment the eyes moved again. This time the figure stood at the end of my bed. I tried to move, but was frozen with fear. The white of his eyes were so clear and yet his pupils were so black. They felt like they had no end and I was sinking into them, falling further into darkness. I struggled to keep my eyes open for fear of where the eyes would appear next. Each second that went by was pain as my eyes burned. It was too much. I shut them and quickly opened them again. He was gone. I looked around the room and found no sign of the figure or his eyes anywhere. I sighed and pulled my covers up. It was just a nightmare. I smirked and closed my eyes. His eyes stared at me. I screamed and clawed at my own eyes. His eyes were engraved in mine. I clawed, tearing away my own eyelids and eyeballs until I was satisfied they were gone. I lay in the floor, my eyes next to me. The pain was immense, but I was happy. Happy to never see his eyes again. 


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