Journal Of Victor Nikiforov - Entry 2 Read Count : 125

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
A/N: Please do not steal the story and/or plot. Thanks! NOTE THAT YUURI PLISETSKY WILL BE NOTED AS YURIO INCASE IT AUTOCORRECTS TO YURI AND I MISS IT. Also, note that this is written in Victor's POV.
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January 21st, 2017

Oh my god. Yuri made it to the world finals. Oh my god. I can't believe this. I just want to SCREAM!!! 

When Yuri skated back towards me after being done with his performance, I jumped out towards him and... I... I kissed him. 

Not in a friendly way....

But in a lover's way.

Okay... that's enough writing for today.

--Victor Nikiforov


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