Read Count : 176
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Once there was a unicorn named Precious. She had a pearl white body, a pink ice mane, and tail, and deep dark eyes. A pink ice diamond was on her head with a gorgeous white gold and pink ice diamond spiral horn. She was the most beautiful unicorn in the world.
One day there was a prince sitting at the lake. Precious pranced on up and took a drink of water. The prince tried to call to her, but all she did was look at him with her alluring brown eyes and long soft eyelashes. She stared at him and became amazed at the prince. When she got back her senses the unicorn turned around and galloped quickly into the forest.
The prince cried and cried. He cried until the sun had set. The prince looked over and saw a beautiful woman looking ravishing in all white and standing at the other side of the lake. She had long flowing blonde hair and a face as white as snow. Her cheeks were as pink as the pinkest rose.
"Hello," she spoke with friendliness. "Hello, miss," the prince answered.
"Nice night," she said seductively.
Before the prince could look up, she was gone. He jumped up, ran into the lake and started swimming. When he got to the other end, he quickly got out of the water and started running through the woods. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. He was running so fast the tree branches were cutting at his face.
The prince now could see the mysterious woman. He tried calling out to her, but his voice would not follow. When he finally caught up to her all he saw was a white blinding light. He crouched to his knees and put his hands over his head to block the light. When he noticed everything darken, he put his arms to the side and slowly got up.
He looked over to where he saw the girl. All he saw was Precious, the unicorn. He slowly went towards her and stuck out his hand. The unicorn stood up on her hind legs and ran off.
"Not this time," the prince said. He saw a male unicorn nearby and jumped on him. He was hesitant at first but finally gave in. He could still see Precious, so he followed her. He pushed the male unicorn to go faster.
When he caught up to her he took a lasso, which was hanging over his belt, and flung it over the unicorn's head. This automatically stopped her. He turned both her and the male unicorn around and headed towards the castle of the land.
When the prince reached his castle, he got off the male unicorn and let him go. He brought Precious to the stable, locked her up, and left her there.
It was almost sundown when he got back to the stable, but Precious was not there. His look was of confusion and he could not figure out what had happened. He went into the stall and found an amulet. It was a pink ice diamond gem. It had a white gold chain with a white gold unicorn-shaped horn in the middle of the gemstone. The horn had pink ice diamond gems circling it, making it look like a spiral was around the horn. This necklace was something a princess would wear. He put the necklace in his pocket and headed towards the castle.
When he opened the door, he noticed his guards were running all over the place.
He stopped one of them and asked, "What's going on?"
"There is an intruder in the castle," the guard said.
"We caught her. What do you want me to do with her," another guard called out. "Bring her to the prince," the head guard said.
When the guard brought her to the prince, he noticed that it was the girl from the forest. "What do you want me to do with her?" The guard asked the prince.
"Put her in the dungeon." First, he looked at her. "Have you had anything to eat?" She just shook her head no. "Then give her something to eat that's left over from dinner."
The guards did what he said and went to bed, as did the prince.
Morning rose and he went to check on the girl. When he saw her, she was just sitting there rocking back and forth saying, "Where is it? Where is it?"
"Where is what, my dear," the prince asked.
"My necklace is missing. My precious necklace is gone."
"Does it look like this?" He asked, as he pulled out the amulet from his pocket and showed it to her.
The girl looked up and looked at it. "Yes. Where did you find it?" She said as anxious as can be.
"It was in the stable. Did you see Precious, the unicorn? I had captured her and somehow she ran away."
"No, sir, can I have my necklace back?" "Not until you tell me what you were doing in the stable."
"Nothing, I just woke up and I was there. Now, may I have my necklace back? You will be rewarded."
"What do you mean rewarded? Who are you?"
"My name is Princess Precious Nightingale."
"Princess? Princess of what? You are not even dressed to look like a princess," the prince said with a laugh.
The princess realized he was right. She was wearing rags and her hair and face were all dirty.
Then she spoke again. "Give me the amulet and you will know."
The prince gave her the amulet and she put it on. However, nothing happened. Then she spoke again. "Is it daylight or nightfall?"
"Daylight, why?"
"It will not work now?"
"Why?" "Cause we are not outside."
"Then come on, we'll go outside."
He opened up the door to her cell and walked her outside. All of a sudden, a white glow came around her. She turned into a unicorn right before the prince's eyes.
It was Precious. The prince got on her back and got comfortable. Precious lifted her back and started galloping away in the forest. She ran and ran, going deep into the forest. She kept running until she got to this beautiful valley of pink and red roses. It had a waterfall with a rainbow above it. A herd of unicorns came towards Precious and circled around her. All of the unicorns kneeled before her and she nudged for them to get up. Then they went off their separate ways.
The prince noticed it was almost nightfall and so did Precious. Precious bowed down so the prince could get down. She walked towards the lake and nudged for the prince to follow. The prince followed her and sat next to her. When the sun had set and the moon hit the amulet that same glow that circled the unicorn and the girl appeared.
There was a bright light, and then all of a sudden the girl appeared. This time she was ravishing with beauty. Her long blonde hair was curly at the bottom, and she had pink and white laced barrettes with ribbons hanging down from them. Her braids were on the sides of her head and connected in the back. The rest of her hair was free like a flag is in the wind. Her face was as white as snow. She had lips as red as wine and cheeks as pink as the pinkest rose. Her eyes were as dark as she was mysterious with lashes as soft as silk. The makeup she wore was of a pink color that matched her nails and dress. The dress she wore was long and full. The sleeves were white with pink ice diamonds sewn into them. The neck was "V" shape that was just cut enough to show a little bit of cleavage. The sleeves hung down past her shoulders. From the end of her shoulders to the top of her waist was white and form fitting. When it came to her waist, it was also "V" shaped. The dress was puffy all the way down to her ankles. When it got down to her waist, two pieces of silk cloth made a knot to bring two sideways triangular shaped throws. The throws also had sewn in pink ice diamonds in it. The rest of the dress was white. Her shoes were clear pink ice high heels with half carat white diamonds on the front of them. When she spoke, her voice was as pretty as the prettiest songbird.
"Now do you believe that I am a princess," she said.
At first, the prince did not recognize her. He was expecting to see a girl dirty with rags. He spoke with amazement. "Precious?" The prince asked with confusion.
"Yes, it is I. May I ask what your name might be?"
"My name, well, princess surely you should know my name. I'm only the prince of these lands."
"Sir, I have never heard of any royalty in these parts. I associate with only the forest. I am a chosen one. I am a princess sworn to protect the unicorns from any harm."
"I'm sorry for being so rude. My name is Prince Xavier Diminion. I am the ruler of the lands, except the forest."
"That I protect," she said as she looked deeply into Xavier’s eyes.
She slowly leaned over to kiss him. He did the same. As they kissed, they both felt a strong feeling between them.
A man clearing his throat interrupted them. Precious leaned back and slowly looked up. Xavier just looked down at the lake where the moon glistened in its reflection.
"Daughter, is this the one you have chosen for your betrothed?" He asked with a strong tone to his voice.
"Yes, father. I mean ask him."
"Do you want to marry my daughter, young man?"
"Yes, please, your majesty."
"Alright then, come with me. The both of you, please."
All three of them walked through the forest until they came across a beautiful chapel. As they opened the doors, the sight of the chapel, that had decorations for a royal wedding, amazed them. Both sides of their families were there. It was a beautiful wedding. Xavier made a home for them from magic he didn’t know he had. They lived happily ever after.