We Can't Wait We Move Out Of Here
Read Count : 67
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I can't wait for the day that my man I can move out of here and move our life together to Florida start doing the things we want to do as a couple together without my family putting there to since in everything we do now when we move to Florida that going to change for good I can't wait we can Decorate our place way we want our things to be at I can't wait to go to the bathroom naked when I first wake up in the morning I can't wait to have our first dog that is out baby together I can't wait till we move out of there for good no more drama that we are between of with my parents and brother no more them Sussming shit without talking to us first I hate that the most of all I am not there little girl anymore I Deserve to live my life with my man on my own not being stuck with a family they don't even like us the are to faces to our faces then bitch company about us to our backs that's not right this not a family it a Trap that we don't like to be this not living our life together being stuck under my family we never asked to be stuck under them in the first place this is not right at all we are happy with each other and we will always will be we will never be happy with my parents and till they let us go let us take care of each other on our own for ones I wish they would trust us we will be ok to stand on our own two feet for one's have trust and faith in us