Help Street Children..
Read Count : 89
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
Today after work,i came across a few children who were playing down the streets.Actually at first i thought it was just usual to come across children playing but no,it was more than that.Before i could go near them,one of the children approached a young man near the place.The child was begging for food.'Hey you think am a food supplier or what,get out of here!'shouted the man.The young child broke into tears.Before he could leave,the man slapped the child and told him never to ask for food from him.The young child was comforted by his fellow street children since those were his only family that he was left with.I decided i was not going to just leave the children to starve to death...i took them home to habe food.Being with the street children made me learn alot and the most important of all is that life is all about helping one another,and the second of all is that family matters.The family we have now may never be with us tomorrow.Let us learn to appreciate and love those who are beside us .You can also give a hand in helping street children by giving donations,and most especially giving them LOVE.Comment #help street children, if you are ready to do it.