Lovers In A Different Dimension Ch.4 Read Count : 92

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

In the morning I woke up early along with Mariah. 

Arima came into the room, and said "Good morning, I came bearing gifts". 

Arima has two school uniforms: blue buttoned shirt, blue pants, and black shoes.

"Since your identities are highschool boys, I brought these uniforms", said Arima.

"Thank you", said Mariah.

"Thanks", I said.

"Your Welcome, breakfast is almost ready", said Arima. "So, when you hear a bell, come down".

"Understand", we said.

"We're going to have to pretend to be high school boys", said Mariah.

"At school, which is not going to be easy", I said.

We put our uniforms on.

"We actually look cute as boys", I said.

"True, should we still act like a couple, I mean in this world I wrote that this world doesn't accept gay relationships too much, but at the same time there are people apart of the high society that allowed gay relationships", Mariah remembered.

"So, you ready", said Mariah, with a smile.

I nodded.

We kissed, when Arima reentered the room 

"I wanted to say that I'll be driving you to school", said Arima.

"Okay", said Mariah, with me holding her.

"Yeah… continue to your business", said Arima, then closes the door. "Such a cute couple".

We kissed again.

A few minutes later, we heard the bell and went downstairs.

"Welcome to your breakfast, Mariah and Kanisha or should I use your codenames?" smiled Tora.

We sat at the table.

"Just use our regular names unless there's companies", said Mariah.

"So, do you kiss every morning at y'all other world?" asked Arima.

"We lived together, so yes", said Mariah.

"You lived together at only fourteen?!" asked everybody, surprised.

"Our orphanage let us, we're deep into the future", I said.

"How deep?" asked Chisu.

"It was October 3rd, 2040", said Mariah.

"When we left", I said.

"No way! Our date is the same, but the year is different", said Toro, giving us our breakfast.

"Shouldn't be that mean magic shouldn't be that weird", thought Clay.

"You would think that, but we only discovered magical items recently", said Mariah.

"I find that hard to believe", said Arima.

"Technology has been over ruling our world, that magic is second-last", I said.

"Why second-last?" asked Clay.

"Because mutants are real now", said Mariah.

"Mutants like from comics", said Clay.

"Yup", I said.

Mariah handed me some bacon and I ate it.

"You feed each other?" asked Toro.

"No, I'm allergic to bacon", said Mariah, feeding me using a fork.

"Oh!" Chisu's eyes widened.

"I normally just give her grits, eggs, strawberries, and french toast with jam", I said.

"I love your breakfast, you are a great cook", Mariah compliments me.

"You cook?" Toro asks me.

"Well, I took some classes", I said.

"Well, I would love to see you cook", said Toro.

"I'll show you some time", I said, then winked.

Clay walked out the door to see the Harem club.

Arima takes us to school.

We saw Kiki and Tiffany first.

"You two look so cute in those uniforms", said Kiki. "Don't they, Tiffany?"

"Yeah", said Tiffany, shyly.

"Thanks, Kiki. Thanks, Tiffany", Mariah and I.

We went to the guidance office getting our schedules.

"I hope you enjoy your school", said the principal.

The principal is a man who has grey hair, wearing a black suit and shoes, glasses, and blue eyes.

His name is Alvin.

"Thank you", we said.

We walked out the door, where we saw three people.

A girl who is long purple, wearing a white shirt, blue skirt, and white shoes. Her name is Sadie.

The other girl is Sierra.

Last is a boy wearing the same uniform as us. His name is Penny.

"You two must be Angel and Mari, follow us", said Sierra.

Sierra along with Penny and Sadie leads us to our classroom, where we see Jake, Kisu, and some other people.

"Jake, you still go to school?" I asked.

"Yeah, but Jeff doesn't", said Jake.

"Where's Sato? Or he is older?" Mariah asked Jake.

"He's always in meetings, so he graduated early, so he wouldn't have to worry about school", Jake answered.

"How long have you known each other?" asked Mariah.

"Ever since we were in middle school, so not long", Jake told Mariah.

"Angel, do you have more books we can read?" asked Kiki.

I reached into my pocket, and put a book in her hand.

"Thank you, your last book was wonderful", said Kiki.

"Thanks, I make books to entertain people", I smiled.

"So, you're the young author. Angel, was it?" asked a girl who has long blue hair. Her name is Zuna.

I turned around to see Zuna, and said "Yes, I am".

"My name is Zuna, hey Jake", said Zuna, then started hugging Jake. "When's your new art show".

"Next month", said Jake.

"Great, I'll be ready, and as for you, Angel, I'm watching you", said Zuna, then walked to her desk.

"Seems I've made a new enemy", I whispered.

"Seems like if", said Mariah in a whisper.

"Class turn to page 31; Angel and Mari borrow a book from somebody", said a teacher.

A boy has short blond hair, wearing the school uniform named Evan hands me a book.

Another boy gave a book to Mariah, he has blue hair, and his name is Howard.

Mariah and I said "Thank you".

The teacher talked about the book and what the characters are like so far.

In-between class, Evan handed me a note and Howard gave Mariah a note.

After Class, I entered the library with Mariah.

We see Howard with five people, and Evan with four people.

A part of Howard's group is three girls: Flower has black hair, Star has midnight blue hair, and Cassandra has black hair on one side and pink hair on the other side. Next to them are two boys: Justin has peach-colored hair and Hallie has silver hair.

In Evan's group, there are two girls: Sally and Aiti, both of them have red hair, Sally has one ponytail and Aiti has three ponytails. Michael has long straight green hair and Jay has white hair.

"I'm Howard, this is Flower, Star, Cassandra, Justin, and Hallie. We are a magic anime club that stars both boys and girls", Howard revealed.

"We're the scary club and that's Michael, Sally, Aiti, Jay, and I'm Evan", said Evan.

"It's very nice to meet you", Mariah and I smiled.

"Since you're new, we wanted you to our special meeting room, this is for the anime club, but some of them have graduated", said Hallie.

"So, which anime do you like?" asked Star.

"I'm into any", I said. "Except sports anime, I only watched one".

"And you?" Cassandra asks Mariah.

"I'm the same except I don't like the ones that have to do with demons", said Mariah.

Aiti puts her hand on Mariah's and says "I think we are going to get along, just fine".

The others nodded.

"Fantastic, we're glad to make some more new friends", said Mariah.

Mariah and I hear the bell ring, so we hurry to our classroom, and we make it before the teacher closes the door.

The teacher has long brown hair, wearing a rainbow dress and white heels. Her name is Sandra.

"I'm Ms. Sandra, I am your math teacher; Jake, you have a phone call by the way", said Sandra the teacher.

Jake walks out the classroom and heads to the office.

My eyes glowed, and I sensed something.

Mariah notices the expression on my face.

"Uh, Ms. Sandra, I'm not feeling well", I lied.

"Okay, go visit the nurse", said Sandra the teacher.

"I'll go with him", said Mariah, then wraps her arm around me.

"Sorry, Mari, but I suggest you stay just in case Angel need to go home", said Ms. Sandra.

"Okay", said Mariah.

"Summer, you go with Angel", said Ms. Sandra.

"Okay", said Summer: a girl with long blond hair, wearing a pink dress and pink heels.

Summer and I walked into the hallway, when I saw a shadow that moved like a blur.

Summer sees the worried look on my face and says "You know if you're worrying about shadows won't help you, Angel".

"I sense a dark aura from the person the shadow belongs to", I argued.

"Sense? Like an angel. Can I see your wings?" asked Summer, with a smile on her face.

I made my wings appear and followed the shadow, and heard Jake's voice.

Summer follows me, and says "Jake, is in trouble".

"I hope I make it in time", I said, as if flying fast.

Summer and I made it to a classroom with Kisu drinking Jake's blood. I covered Summer's eyes before she saw Kisu and Jake.

Jake's face is red, holding his hands on his desk, and Kisu is holding him.

"Kisu, you said you wouldn't skip our meetings", said Jake.

"But, Tituo almost caught me leaving home, so I had to distract him, which took longer than I thought", said Kisu, as he wiped the blood off his face. "I didn't take too much, did I?" 

"Actually I think you took less", Jake smiled.

Kisu hugs Jake, and says "Thank goodness, you're the only human that I can trust".

"Kisu?" asked Jake.

"Yeah", said Kisu.

"You never told me, when you became a vampire", Jake remembered.

In-between Kisu and Jake's conversation, a glowing aura started to activate, which passed onto Summer, and made her pass out on the hallway floor.

"Oops!" I gasped.

"Angel, why are you here?" asked Kisu.

Into the hallway, I put on a nervous smile, and says "I thought Jake needed some help".

"You two know each other?" asked Jake, entering the hallway.

"Under unlucky terms", I said.

"You met Tituo first", said Jake.

"Yup, Mariah and I ended up meeting them yesterday", I said.

"I'm sorry for what Tituo did to you, I promise I didn't harm Mari",  Kisu apologized, feeling guilty.

"I know you didn't otherwise, you would've been knocked out, when I first met you", I said.

"Is he really that fierce?" asked Kisu.

"Yeah, it's a positive part of his personality", I smiled.

"You really love him, don't you?" asked Jake.

"I truly do, more than anything. More on that later, Kisu if you weren't the danger, I was sensing, then what was?" I wondered.

At that moment, a cloud of smoke came towards us.

I grabbed Summer, Kisu grabs Jake, then we head to the exit.

We kicked the door.

Mariah in the classroom with her friends noticed a cloud of darkness trying to enter through the window, so the students start to panic, the teacher tries to calm them down, but it doesn't work.

Mariah takes her devil form and calms the students down and leads them out, she makes the window open and helps them escape.

Ms. Sandra tells Mariah to be safe, since she flies in a different direction.

"Angel! Angel! Angel!" called Mariah, knowing yelling my real name is risky.

On the other hand, I'm using my wings to blow the clouds away, but Jake and Kisu are nowhere to be found.

"Jake! Kisu! Anybody! Hello!" I called, looking around.

Then, I saw a person in a cloak and she blasted me with a green beam, the beam threw me down the ground unable to move.

Mariah senses I'm in danger, and flies to where I am and knocks the girl down.

"Kanisha! Are you okay?" asked Mariah.

"I can't move", I said.

"That's okay, I can actually carry you", said Mariah.

Mariah holds me in her arms and says "Wow, you are light".

"I take that with great pride", I said.

"Take this", said the person in cloak, coming towards us.

Mariah punched the person in the face and the person fell back.

"I don't care, who you are, nobody messes with my girlfriend", said Mariah.

Mariah puts me down, gives off a dark aura,  making the clouds moving.

"You control these clouds, which means you have darkness in your heart, but that darkness doesn't compare to me", Mariah shows one eye glowing purple, her hair waving, and the person is revealed to have dark brown hair.

That person is looking terrified, Mariah flies in the air, summons lightning from all clouds, turns it into purple energy, and blasts the person.

The purple energy moves faster than a speeding bullet, so the cloaked person can't move, so it goes right through her and she faints.

The person releases a ball of energy that is glowing gold, then splits into gold and red.

The gold landed by me and I started floating and the red by Mariah and a scythe appeared in her hand.

Both balls of energy take the form of a person.

This person is a girl who has short curly hair, wearing a black dress.

The red girl is smiling, as she sees a town on fire, a golden girl is crying by a field of dead bodies.

The red girl is by a woman who says "If you truly want revenge take my hand".

A vision is shown of a small portal that has a hand coming out and drops a necklace, I picked up the necklace in the past.

The vision switches to Mariah attacking the cloaked person and it ends.

"We just killed a girl", I said, with a shocked look on my face along with Mariah.

"These must be her life source", I figured out. "Gold must be happy and sad".

"Red must be anger", said Mariah.

"Let's put them back in", I said.

Mariah nodded her head.

We put them back of energy into the cloaked person, she wakes up and sits up.

I held out my hand, and said "We will forgive you, since you have nowhere to go".

"You two really did get the powers of an angel and a devil!" gasped the cloaked person.

"We did indeed Maria", said Mariah.

Maria takes off her cloak, takes my hand, and gets up.

"I'm sorry that I gave you the cursed necklace", said Maria to me.

I rubbed her head, and said "It's okay".

"But, won't you miss your home, friends? Family?" asked Maria.

"We have new friends", I said.

"We have no family, since we're orphans", said Mariah.

"Both of you?" asked Maria.

"Yup", I nodded.

"Now, I feel even more sorry", said Maria.

We hugged Maria.

"So, how do we clear those clouds?" asked Mariah.

"Light magic always works", said Maria.

I summoned some white aura that makes a flute appear, then I played the flute, the music made the cloud disappear.

After the clouds disappear, Kisu and Jake are found.

"Mari! Angel!" cheered Kisu and hugs us.

Jake joins in the hug.

"We were so worried, since we heard fighting and yelling, but couldn't move", said Kisu, crying.

"It's okay, Kisu, we're safe", said Mariah.

"I didn't think you cared about us so much. Wait, how much did you hear?" I said.

"Something like Kanisha, Mariah, girlfriends, and all things like that", said Kisu.

"I guess, we have some explaining to do", said Mariah.

"Which we should do when we get the whole gang here", I decided.

"That's a good idea", Mariah agreed.

So, we gathered all of the friends we have made.

We all meet at the mansion in me and Mariah's room.


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