Exploiting The Girl Read Count : 76

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama
  1. A strange girl was born with two white hairs, the life of the girl was miserable because of her hair and the people around her, all of their questions revolve around the strangeness of her hair, but people are unaware that he created a god that is not alien in him.  The girl for her wealth, the old woman agreed with her mother to give the girl in exchange for her to build a luxurious bathroom, but the mother’s condition was for her daughter to return to her after a month. The important thing was that she took the girl and the children’s bath.  Months, one of the days entered i  Fella and her mother for a shower in the woman’s bathroom. They found a white tuft coming out of the bathroom’s floor, and they dug and found the girl killed in the bathroom floor and the end .....


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